
like http.createServer(), but for onions.


Onion Service

Binds and listens for connections on a tor Onion Service. Meant to behave identically to an http.Server.

var onion = require('onionservice');

var server = onion.createServer(function (request, response) {
  response.end('Hello, Onion!');


Node.js is not known to be a particularly hardened code base, and it is inadvisable to use this code base in security-critical situations. It is also worth understanding the NPM package dependencies in a code base and the risks you take on by relying on a code base with varied lineage. That being said, onionservice does not expose you to particularly more risk than running a public Node web server. Just remember that connections from tor will be connected from the local binary - don't use remoteAddress for permissions!

OnionService can still be an effective tool! In addition to hidden web services, Onion Services provide NAT avoidance capabilities and the ability to easily construct P2P overlays. In these circumstances, use a random high port for listening to limit risk of crawling, and don't publish addresses publicly.

createServer([options], [handler])

The key material used for construction of the onion service will be directory- local, and will remain stable across runs. It can be configured with additional keys in the options object, which has the following defaults:

  cacheKeyMaterial: true,
  keyMaterial: path.join(process.cwd(), ".onionservice")

If cacheKeyMaterial is false, a new onion address will be generated each time the application is run.

If keyMaterial is a string, it will be interpreted as a file path, and used to read and write key material. If it is a (duplex) stream, key material will be read from the stream, and updated material will be written back.


Returns the bound onion address, the family name, and the port of the server. Useful for learning the generated onion. Returns an object with three properties, e.g. { port: 80, family: 'Onion', address: '3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion'}


var server = onion.createServer((req, resp) => {

// Listen on a random port.
server.listen(() => {
  address = server.address();
  console.log('Opened server on %j', address);