
bare-bones HTTP server with optional script entry

MIT License



A tiny HTTP server CLI and API, mainly for local development.

Serves a default index.html and an optional JavaScript entry-point. By default, uses localhost and port 8080 (or searches for the next available port).

When using the programmatic API, the entry and index can be a middleware(req, res) function. For example, to bundle with browserify.


npm install serves [-g|--save]

CLI Example

The following creates a server that hosts a default index.html with a <script> tag pointing to src/index.js. All other static content (images, etc) is served from the public root directory.

serves src/index.js --root public --port 9000

API Example

A simple example:

var serves = require('serves')
var path = require('path')

  cwd: process.cwd(),
  root: 'public',
  entry: 'src/index.js',
  title: 'My Site'
}, function (err, ev) {
  if (err) throw err
  console.log('Listening on', ev.url)

Or see example/index.js, which mimics wzrd and bundles CommonJS on request.



  serves [entry.js] [opts]
  --title, -t    HTML title
  --root, -r     root directory for static files (default cwd)
  --port, -p     base port to attempt (default 8080)
  --host, -h     host name (default localhost)
  --css, -s      optional path to a CSS file
  --index, -i    HTML file to serve as index.html


server = httpServer([opt], [cb])

Creates a new HTTP server with the specified options and optional callback. Returns the server instance.


  • cwd (String|undefined)
    • the base directory to resolve file paths, defaults to process.cwd()
  • entry (String|Function|undefined)
    • a JavaScript entry file path, relative to cwd
    • or, can be a middleware(req, res) function
    • if not specified, no <script> will be added to the HTML
  • index (String|Function|undefined)
    • defaults to a bare-bones HTML index
    • the HTML index file path, relative to cwd
    • or, can be a middleware(req, res, ev) function
      • the ev parameter holds the { title, entry } strings
  • root (String|undefined)
    • the root directory to serve static content form, defaults to cwd
  • port (Number|undefined)
    • the base port to start searching from, default 8080
  • host (String|undefined)
    • the host name, default 'localhost'
  • title (String|undefined)
    • the HTML title, if unspecified no <title> will be written
  • css (String|undefined)
    • an optional href path for a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag in the <head>
    • relative to root since it is just an href in the tag
    • only gets applied to the default index handler

If you specify a function for entry, the script will serve 'index.js' by default. This pathname be changed with opt.src.

The callback takes the form callback(err, ev) with the following event parameters when the server starts listening:

  url: String  // 'http://localhost:8080/'
  port: Number // 8080
  host: String // 'localhost'


MIT, see for details.