
📜 JavaScript template literal tag for executing OSA scripts (AppleScript, JavaScript, etc.)

MIT License


A JavaScript template literal tag that executes AppleScript and other OSA (Open Scripting Architecture) scripts.

Compatible with JXA (JavaScript for Automation).


Every time I get a script it's a matter of trying to know what I could do with it. I see colors, imagery. It has to have a smell. It's like falling in love. You can't give a reason why.

— Paul Newman


To get started, add osascript-tag to your project:

npm i --save osascript-tag


Running AppleScript

It can be used as template literal tag to asynchronously run an AppleScript within your code. It returns a promise that resolves with the output of the script, and rejects with an error if running the script was not successful.

const osascript = require('osascript-tag');

async function main() {
  const result = await osascript`
    tell application "iTunes"
      get { artist, name } of current track
    end tell

  console.log(result); // "King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, This Thing"

Running JXA (JavaScript for Automation)

To run a JXA (JavaScript for Automation) script, use the osascript.jxa template tag (also available as the named export: jxa) . Please note that osascript.jxa requires macOS 10.10 or greater.

const osascript = require('osascript-tag');

async function main() {
  await osascript.jxa`
    const app = Application.currentApplication();

    app.includeStandardAdditions = true;

    app.displayNotification("All graphics have been converted.", {
      withTitle: "My Graphic Processing Script",
      subtitle: "Processing is complete.",
      soundName: "Glass",

Parsing Values Returned from JXA Scripts

By default all calls to osascript.jxa will resolve with the stdout result as a string.

If your script, however, is expected to return parsable values, you can pass a parse option to osascript.jxa to return parsed values ready for consumption in your JavaScript code.

const osascript = require('osascript-tag');

async function main() {
  const { artist, title } = await osascript.jxa({ parse: true })`
    const iTunes = Application('iTunes');
    return {
      artist: iTunes.currentTrack.artist(),
      title: iTunes.currentTrack.name(),

  console.log(artist); // "King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard"
  console.log(title); // "This Thing"


The osascript-tag can be used in one of the following ways:


Executes the given OSA script.

const result = await osascript`
  tell application "Finder"
    name of every file of the desktop
  end tell
  1. script: string - A string repressing the AppleScript code to execute
  2. ...replacements: any[] - The replacements values

A Promise that resolves with the script's standard output, or rejects with an error if the scripts was not successful.

osascript(options: Options)

Executes the given OSA script with custom options.

const result = await osascript({ flags: 'so' })`
  tell application "Finder"
    name of every file of the desktop
  end tell
  1. options: Options - An object with the following keys:
    • flags?: string - The flags used to modify the output of the script. It is a string consisting of any of the of the modifier characters e, h, o, and s. Defaults to "eh". The meanings of the modifier characters are as follows:
      • h Return values in human-readable form (default).
      • s Return values in recompilable source form.
      • e Redirect script errors to stderr (default)
      • o Redirect script errors to stdout.
    • language?: string - The language of the OSA script to be executed. Defaults to "AppleScript".

An instance of osascript configured with the provided options.


A convenient wrapper for osascript configured to run JXA.

await osascript.jxa`
  const app = Application.currentApplication();
  app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
  app.displayAlert('This is a message');

An instance of osascript configured to run JXA.

osascript.jxa(options: JXAOptions)

Executes a JXA script with custom options.

const result = await osascript.jxa({ parse: true })`
  const app = Application('iTunes');
  return {
    artist: app.currentTrack.artist(),
    title: app.currentTrack.name(),
  1. options: JXAOptions - An object with the following keys:
    • flags?: string - The flags used to modify the output of the script. It is a string consisting of any of the of the modifier characters e, h, o, and s. Defaults to "eh". The meanings of the modifier characters are as follows:
      • h Return values in human-readable form (default).
      • s Return values in recompilable source form.
      • e Redirect script errors to stderr (default)
      • o Redirect script errors to stdout.
    • parse?: boolean - A boolean indicating whether the standard output of the script is parsed for consumption in JavaScript. This uses JSON.parse under the hood. Note that setting this option to true will automatically set the flags option to "se" if not set explicitly otherwise. Defaults to false.
    • argv?: any[] - An array of arguments to be passed to the script. This array will be available in the JXA script itself as a global variable argv. Please note that all values will be serialized to strings.

An instance of osascript configured to run JXA with custom options.
