
🚀 Template repository for package maintenance and publishing

MIT License



🚀 Template repository for package maintenance and publishing.


As I got tired of creating the same file structure for quick library scaffolding and package publishing, I decided to do a repository tempalte I (and you) can use every time I start a new project.

It's important to note that the workflows are highly opinionated around my preferences when pushing minimal and not-complex packages to the ecosystem, this means it might not feed or adapt to your needs, but feel free to start a discussion in the issues inc ase there are things you would like to see or improve.

How the base project works

This template is relying on other great open source projects to achieve normal project cycles.

  • For publishing it uses microbundle by Jason Miller, it provides transpiling, minification and source map generation.
  • For test it uses ava, which will detect any .test or .spec file in the project.
  • Using husky for git hooks, this template will run prettier to format files and run tests before every commit.
  • It will also check the format of your commit messages using conventional commits spec, this is an important part because it will automate package publishing using continuous integration.
  • Finally, using Travis and semantic release it will generate a new version of the project on every push to master.

Read more about how to ensure this works correctly in the Initial Setup section.

Initial Setup

To make sure the automatic publishing works correctly follow these initial steps:

  • In GitHub press the Use this template button on the repository page.
  • Clone the repository on your local machine and run yarn to install dependencies.
  • In the package.json file replace package-starter with your project name and the rest of the information like description, author, repository, etc.
  • Commit the changes, run npm publish, tag the release with git tag "v0.0.0" and then git push origin master --tags, this is important since semantic release relies on tags to know what's the next version to publish.
  • Go to Travis, add your project and configure an NPM_TOKEN and a GITHUB_TOKEN to allow package publishing on every push to master.

Now, let conventional commit messages and semantic release to handle all the publishing for you!

Happy coding!


By the default the template includes a MIT License, feel free to change it for the one that suits better the legal needs of your project.