
A small cozy web chat app, like paper cups and a string back in the days. Usually surrounded by lots of French chatter…


== PaperCups

A small cozy web chat app, like paper cups and a string back in the days. Usually surrounded by lots of French chatter...

Is it a replacement for some of the hosted solutions? No, it’s meant as a minimalistic application that can be hosted on your own server when that’s absolutely necessary.

== Install

The vendored Rails is a git submodule, get it with:

$ git submodule update --init


$ rake db:create:all $ rake db:migrate

Add some development data:

$ rake db:fixtures:load

And it’s ready to be served.

== Notes

  • If you want to bookmark the application’s URL in Safari, be sure to bookmark
    +/session/new+, not a room URL. This is because Safari will maintain the
    name given to the bookmark as the tab’s title even when it’s updated with new
    messages count.

== Endorsements

  • hate it hate it hate it (anonymous smurf)