
Real-Time Visualization of Big Data - Master Thesis of Robin Wieruch - 2014



Pipelinr is a realtime data processing and visualization application to explore large datasets. Data processing, interaction and analysis make it possible to recognize patterns and trends in your data.

Project Setup

Be sure you have

Clone the Pipelinr Project into your favorite project folders


  • On Windows: make sure the npm AppData exists: C:\Users\your_account\AppData\Roaming\npm\
  • On Windows: make sure Git is installed and registered in PATH variable

Open 3 command prompts:

First command prompt:

  • Make sure your data storage path exists (Windows default: C:\data\db)
  • move to your MongoDB installation directory: cd mongoDBdirectory/bin

Second command prompt:

  • move to Pipelinr Backend: cd yourFolder/Pipelinr/Backend
node app.js

Third command prompt:

  • move to Pipelinr Frontend: cd yourFolder/Pipelinr/Frontend
npm install
bower install
grunt serve

The first initializations of the application should take some time.

After that you will find the application at http://localhost:8000/app

Project Structure

  • Frontend

    • app
      • styles (css)
      • images
      • scripts
        • app.js (provides angular modules, routes and project settings)
        • controllers (provides controllers for views)
        • directives (provides directives [components] for visualizations by d3.js)
        • services (provides REST interfaces, business logic for controllers and websocket setup)
      • views (all views of frontend project)
      • index.html (main file which includes external libraries and view wrapper)
    • test
  • Backend

    • jobs (provides jobs for periodic execution)
    • models (schemes and models for persistence)
    • node_modules (third party libraries)
    • pipelinr_modules (own modules for data reduction, data analysis)
    • routes (REST interface of backend)
    • utils (utility functions)
    • app.js (main file which sets up http server, jobs, websockets, database events)
    • job-schedule.js (sets up jobs defined in jobs directory)
  • Benchmark (files for backend benchmarking accomplished by bench-rest library)

  • SampleRESTClient (uses the backend REST inerface to create pipelines and datasets and insert values)


How to publish your data to Pipelinr?


  • Before publishing data to Pipelinr, you need to register a new user in Pipelinr. When you make use of the ../api/v1/.. resources, you have to send an authentification token as header to the service. You get the authenfication token when you login:


  • Resource: POST: ../login
  • Json: var data = { email: email, password: password };
  • Data structure:
    • email: String
    • password: String

Create a pipeline

  • Resource: POST: ../api/v1/pipelines
  • Header: var headers: { token: token };
  • Json: var data = { name: name, sampling: { task: task, perm: perm, rate: rate } };
  • Data structure:
    • name: String
    • sampling: Object, null
    • task: Enumeration ["frequencySampling", "randomSampling", "intervalSampling"]
    • perm: Boolean
    • rate: Integer [1..99]

Create a dataset in a pipeline

  • Resource: POST: ../api/v1/pipelines/:id/datasets
  • Header: var headers: { token: token };
  • Json: var data = { key: key, type: type };
  • Data structure:
    • key: String
    • type: Enumeration ["string", "int"]

Create a value in a dataset

  • Resource: POST: ../api/v1/pipelines/:id/datasets/:id/values
  • Header: var headers: { token: token };
  • Json: var data = { value: value, level: level, timestamp: timestamp };
  • Data structure:
    • value: String
    • level: Enumeration ["error", "warning"] - für Datensätze vom Typ "string", sonst null
    • timestamp: String ["DD MM YYYY, HH:mm:ss:SSS"]