
A tool that pre bundles and re publishes npm dependencies



A tool that pre bundles and re-publishes npm dependencies


The goal of this module is to reduce the number of visible dependencies in node_modules ; npm ls & package-lock.json that are NOT related to production code.

pre-bundled solves half the problem, look at the sister project npm-bin-deps to solve the other half.


To add new modules to pre-bundled you need github & npm access to run the binary.

If you run this command without access to github or npm then please reach out by opening an issue or send a tweet


The pre-bundled binary will re-bundle a library like rimraf or tape such that it has zero dependencies, by checking all of the dependencies into git and into the npm tarball.

You can see a list of existing pre-bundled modules on

To add new ones you run pre-bundled ${module} ${version}

If you have ever been frustrated with too many dependencies and wish you could install more glorious zero dependency libraries then this module is for you.

As an example, tape has 69 total dependencies and ends up auditing 107 packages.

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
$ npm i tape -D --loglevel notice
npm WARN [email protected] No description
npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.

+ [email protected]
updated 1 package and audited 107 packages in 2.905s
found 0 vulnerabilities

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
$ npm ls | wc -l

Of couse @pre-bundled/tape has one dependency and audits exactly one dependency

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
$ npm i @pre-bundled/tape -D
npm http fetch GET 304 2026ms (from cache)
npm WARN [email protected] No description
npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.

npm http fetch POST 200 414ms
+ @pre-bundled/[email protected]
added 1 package from 1 contributor and audited 1 package in 2.545s
found 0 vulnerabilities

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
$ npm ls
[email protected] /home/raynos/optoolco/temp
 @pre-bundled/[email protected]

Known caveats

Peer dependencies are BROKEN.


Imagine you have a small project with a couple of important non-trivial production dependencies and then some test dependencies.

For example tape & rimraf ; Just these two simple dependencies add quite a lot of weight to your project ( 70 extra dependencies )

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr*
$ cat package-lock.json | wc -l
raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr*
$ npm ls | wc -l
raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr*
$ ls node_modules/ | wc -l

God forbid you install a larger dependency like jest which adds 350 deps or tap which adds 250 deps.

By using @pre-bundled/tape & @pre-bundled/rimraf you can install any dependency as if its a micro zero dependency library.

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr
$ cat package-lock.json | wc -l
raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr
$ npm ls | wc -l
raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr
$ ls node_modules/ | wc -l

Your dependency count is now tiny, if you look at the actual output of npm ls you can see

raynos at raynos-Precision-5530
~/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs on npr
$ npm ls
[email protected] /home/raynos/projects/fake-cloudwatch-logs
 @pre-bundled/[email protected]
 @pre-bundled/[email protected]
 @types/[email protected]
 [email protected]
  [email protected]
   [email protected]
   [email protected] deduped
   [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
   [email protected]
   [email protected] deduped
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
    [email protected] deduped
    [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]

You can now see all of your important production dependencies from aws-sdk and the extra dependencies like tape & rimraf dont take up any mental space or physical space.

Docs :

$ pre-bundled -h
pre-bundled {module} {version}
This tool re-bundles a module and publishes
  It to both github & npm for pre-bundled

  module: NPM module name
  version: Version you want to bundle

To run this tool you need access to NPM & github
Ask @Raynos on twitter

  --dry Run it in dry mode ( no publish )
  --publishSuffix set a suffic for publishing


% npm install pre-bundled -g

MIT Licensed