
npm goggles for your package: see what files npm sees



npm goggles for your package: see what files npm sees – tiny cli utility to list the files npm will include in its published tarball.

Tired of running npm pack just so you can tar -tf <your-package>.tgz to see the files included in the tarball? No longer!


Install locally as a devDependency and run through an npm script or via npx:

$ npm install -D packfiles
$ npx packfiles


Simplest usage is via npx:

$ npx packfiles

But beware that you likely need to run npm run prepare before packfiles such that you get an accurate view of the files that will exist during an npm publish flow.


how it works

Npm uses npm-packlist to determine the files that will be included in the package tarball. This module takes into account all of npm's include/exclude rules (.gitignore, .npmignore, pkg.files, etc). packfiles is simply a cli wrapper for npm-packlist that prints the list of files to STDOUT. packfiles relies on any build or compilation step already running. So if your module is built via a prepare script (which it probably should), you'll need to run npm run prepare before running packfiles.

See also npm scripts docs for information regarding correct usage of prepare, publish, pack and all relevant pre/post variants (and prepublishOnly)