

TDD: Write Better Code Faster

This repository is the source code for my presentation Test Driven Development: Write Better Code Faster.

PDF version

A (hopefully recent-ish) PDF version of the presentation is available in the file presentation.pdf.

If it's not up to date you can always clone the presentation repo, run the server, use the spectacle PDF generator, and issue a pull request. ;-)

Running the presentation

The tool used to write this presentation is spectacle a React based presentation library.

To build the presentation run npm run build or npm run start (which starts a server so that you can view the presentation on http://localhost:3000.


In this presentation I argue that Test Driven Development, as an engineering process, generally both speeds up your development cycle and improves the quality of the resulting software.

The instinctive reaction to writing tests is that it's a lot of extra work, and many software engineers wonder if it's really worth the effort.

Moreover, many people don't understand the difference between "writing tests" (which is a programming task) and "Test Driven Development", which is an engineering process.