
The minimum viable layer on top of HTML/CSS (using React and Radium)


Radium Starter npm version

The minimum viable layer on top of HTML/CSS (using React and Radium).


Nope, this is not another CSS framework! This package provides the bare minimum to make HTML/CSS a better world:

  • Normalization (use Normalize.css).
  • Basic styling of HTML elements.
  • Useful polyfills like Form validation in Safari.
  • Theme variables (i.e. variables for defining colors, font sizes, etc.)
  • Radium for flexible customization and high composability.


Modern browsers (including IE11).


Have a look to the demo here.


npm install --save radium-starter


At the root of your application, define a theme and use RadiumStarterRoot to wrap your main component:

import {RadiumStarterRoot} from 'radium-starter';

  <RadiumStarterRoot theme={{primaryColor: '#2196F3'}}>
    <Main />

Then, use the RadiumStarter component:

import React from 'react';
import RadiumStarter from 'radium-starter';

export class Main extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        {() => {
          return <p>Hello, World!</p>;

Once a component is wrapped with RadiumStarter, you can use all the power of Radium:

  {() => {
    return <p style={{':hover': {color: '#2196F3'}}}>Hover me</p>;

... and Radium Starter features, such as theme variables:

  {theme => {
    return <div style={{color: theme.errorColor}}>An error occurred</div>;

And built-in styles:

  {(theme, styles) => {
    return <div style={[styles.primaryColor, styles.bold, styles.border]}>Hello, World!</div>;

Theme variables

Radium Starter provides theme variables with sensible defaults for font sizes, colors, spacing, etc. You can pass a theme attribute to the RadiumStarterRoot component to customize any variable. For example, if you want to change the primary color, you would do something like that:

<RadiumStarterRoot theme={{primaryColor: '#2196F3'}}>
  <Main />

But you can do even better, instead of passing a POJO object to RadiumStarterRoot, you can pass an instance of the Theme class. The advantage of using the Theme class is that if you change some theme variables later, all your React components will be automatically re-rendered to reflect the changes. For example:

import {RadiumStarterRoot, Theme} from 'radium-starter';

const theme = new Theme({primaryColor: '#2196F3'});

  <RadiumStarterRoot theme={theme}>
    <Main />

Later, changing the primary color:

theme.primaryColor = '#FF5252';

... will automatically re-render everything with the new primary color.

One last thing, when you create a Theme instance, if you need to set a variable based on the value of another variable, you can specify a function:

const theme = new Theme({linkColor: theme => theme.accentColor});

Components wrapped with RadiumStarter can use the current theme instance:

import React from 'react';
import RadiumStarter from 'radium-starter';

export class Main extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        {theme => {
          return <div style={{fontSize: theme.h1FontSize}}>Special title</div>;

Here is a few useful theme variables:

  • Base colors: primaryColor, accentColor, textColor, backgroundColor, inverseBackgroundColor, borderColor, inverseBorderColor, errorColor, warningColor.
  • Font families: sansSerifFontFamily, serifFontFamily, monospaceFontFamily.
  • Font sizes: baseFontSize, smallFontSize, largeFontSize, h1FontSize, h2FontSize,...
  • Line heights: baseLineHeight, smallLineHeight, headingsLineHeight.
  • Breakpoints: smallBreakpoint, mediumBreakpoint, largeBreakpoint.

Many other variables are available, please check the theme.js file.

Built-in styles

Components wrapped with RadiumStarter can get the styles object which contains many convenient styles usable with the style attribute of HTML elements.

Example :

  {(theme, styles) => {
    return <span style={styles.primaryColor}>Hello, World!</span>>;

Thanks to Radium goodness, you can combine several styles with an array:

Example :

<span style={[styles.bold, styles.italic]}>Hi</span>

Text colors

Convenient styles to define text color (CSS color property): primaryColor, darkPrimaryColor, lightPrimaryColor, accentColor, darkAccentColor, backgroundColor, altBackgroundColor, borderColor, altBorderColor, textColor, altTextColor, mutedTextColor, inverseTextColor, inverseAltTextColor, inverseMutedTextColor, errorColor, warningColor.

Example :

<span style={[styles.warningColor]}>Notice</span>

Background colors

Convenient styles to define background color (CSS background-color property): backgroundPrimaryColor, backgroundDarkPrimaryColor, backgroundLightPrimaryColor, backgroundAccentColor, backgroundDarkAccentColor, backgroundBackgroundColor, backgroundAltBackgroundColor, backgroundErrorColor, backgroundWarningColor.

Example :

<span style={[styles.backgroundPrimaryColor]}>Bonjour</span>

Text styling

  • regular: set font-weight to normal.
  • bold: set font-weight to bold.
  • italic: set font-style to italic.
  • mutedText: set color to mutedTextColor theme variable.

Block styling

  • border: add top, right, bottom and left borders.
  • topBorder, rightBorder, bottomBorder, leftBorder: add only the corresponding border.
  • rounded: set borderRadius CSS property to borderRadius theme variable.

List styling

  • unstyledList: remove default HTML list (ul, ol) styling.

Responsive tools

  • showIfSmall/hideIfSmall: show/hide an HTML element if the viewport width is less/greater than the smallBreakpoint theme variable (default: 640px).
  • showIfMedium/hideIfMedium: show/hide an HTML element if the viewport width is less/greater than the mediumBreakpoint theme variable (default: 1024px).
  • showIfLarge/hideIfLarge: show/hide an HTML element if the viewport width is less/greater than the largeBreakpoint theme variable (default: 1440px).


  • showIf(condition): convenient function to hide an HTML element if condition is false.
  • hideIf(condition): convenient function to hide an HTML element if condition is true.


Check styles.js for the full set of styles.


Pass the styles attribute to the RadiumStarterRoot component to add new styles or customize the existing ones.

<RadiumStarterRoot styles={{myStyle: {color: '#abc'}}}>
  <Main />

Enhanced HTML elements

Radium Starter is not a full-featured framework like Bootstrap or Foundation. It doesn't provide any fancy component like modals or carousels. What Radium Starter does is just enhancing standard HTML elements (<p>, <a>, <h1>, etc.).

Most of the enhancements consist only in CSS styling and you don't have to do anything special to benefit from that, just use regular HTML tags. But sometimes we needed more power control because we wanted to add new attributes to HTML elements or we needed to polyfill inconsistent or missing behaviors in certain browsers (e.g. Form validation in Safari). This is why we created some custom React components that you can use in replacement of the standard HTML elements.


Like the HTML <button> element but with some useful added attributes:

  • rsSmall, rsLarge: smaller/larger sizes for your controls.
  • rsPrimary, rsAccent, rsInverse: colorize your buttons.


<Button rsLarge rsPrimary>
  Sign up


Use this component in replacement of the HTML <form> element to enjoy Form validation in any modern browser (including Safari!).

<Input>, <Select>, <TextArea>

Augment the corresponding HTML elements with the following attributes:

  • rsSmall, rsLarge: smaller/larger sizes for your input fields.
  • rsInverse: inverse styling.
  • rsAutoSelect: similar to the autofocus HTML attribute but select the content of an input in addition to focusing it.
  • rsCustomValidity: provide setCustomValidity() in a declarative way.
