
The source code to radvisor.net - an enhanced mobile interface for Resident Advisor events


What it is

This application offers two things:

  • A RESTful interface to ResidentAdvisor
  • A mobile UI to ResidentAdvisor which uses the interface

The technology

  • The API runs on Node.js + Express. Pages are scraped with jsdom and jQuery. A caching layer is provided by MongoDB.
  • The mobile UI is built with jQuery Mobile and Backbone.js


  • Install npm, node, mongo. Clone the repo locally, then npm install will install all the other dependencies
  • Additionally you will need to install imagemagick using your favorite package management system
  • Create the file config/loginData.js according to this template:
exports.getConf = function (env) {
    return {
        mongoURI: 'mongodb://yourmongodb',
        scClientID: 'Soundcloud client id',
        cloudinaryConf: {
            cloud_name: 'Cloudinary cloud name',
            api_key: 'Cloudinary API key',
            api_secret: 'Cloudinary API secret'

Running the app

  • Launch mongo (mongod)
  • Launch the app with (node app)

Can I haz?

Point your mobile browser to http://radvisor.net and play. WARNING this is still in alpha stage. Suggestions and forks are welcome!