
Democratic crowd-controlled office music player.



A democratic, crowd-controlled music player for the workplace.


  • Smart Playlists (don't hear the same song in the same week; don't hear Christmas music except for 3 weeks prior).
  • Headless core server application can support multiple front-ends.
  • Includes a web-based front-end, allowing an iTunes-like experience.
  • Vote on upcoming songs through web interface; songs are group-ranked (not a single ranking)

Requirements & Installation

  • Requires the sequel and sqlite3 gems to be installed.
    • This, in turn, requires that you have SQLite installed, including the development headers (e.g. apt-get install libsqlite3-dev)
  • Requires the ruby-mpd gem to be installed.
    • This, in turn, requires that you have mpd installed.
    • This needs to run on a machine with fast file-level access to the "sticker" file for MPD. Most simply this means running on the same machine as MPD.
    • Currently this requires that you have mpc is installed on the same machine as RB3Jay.
  • Requires the faye gem to be installed.
  • Requires the haml gem to be installed.
  • Editing tags requires the taglib-ruby gem to be installed
    • This, in turn, requires that you have taglib installed along with header files.
  • Requires sinatra, and moneta gems installed.
    • Suggest that you also install thin and use that to run the web server.
  • gem install rb3jay

In summary:

sudo apt-get install build-essential sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev mpd mpc ruby ruby-dev
sudo gem install sqlite3 sequel ruby-mpd faye haml sinatra moneta thin rb3jay

Starting the Servers

rb3jay Core Server

  • rb3jay --help for command-line options.

rb3jay-www Web Server

  • TODO

Communicating with the Server

The rb3jay server is a headless application that manages songs, playlists, voting, and actually plays the music (via MPD). All communication with the server occurs through TCP sockets carrying a JSON object.

Every query you send to the server is identified by a cmd property describing your intent, sometimes along with additional arguments.

The supported commands are summarized here, and described in detail below that.


  • playlists: get a list of all playlists, with summary information
  • playlist: get a list of all songs for a playlist
  • (TODO) playing: get details about the currently-playing song and playlist
  • (TODO) upcoming: see a summary of upcoming songs
  • songs: get a summary of all songs in the library
  • song: get detailed information about a particular song
  • search: find songs in the library

Playback Control

  • stop: pause playback
  • (TODO) play: resume playback, or start a particular playlist or song
  • next: skip to the next song
  • back: restart the current song, or go to a previous song
  • seek: jump to a particular playback time
  • (TODO) want: add a particular song to the upcoming playlist
  • (TODO) nope: remove a particular song from the upcoming playlist


  • (TODO) love: indicate +2 for a song for a particular user
  • (TODO) like: indicate +1 for a song for a particular user
  • (TODO) zero: indicate +0 for a song for a particular user
  • (TODO) bleh: indicate -1 for a song for a particular user
  • (TODO) hate: indicate -2 for a song for a particular user

Modifying the Library

  • update: check for new/changed/deleted songs in the library
  • makePlaylist: create a new playlist
  • (TODO) editPlaylist: update a playlist
  • (TODO) killPlaylist: delete a playlist
  • (TODO) editSong: update metadata for a particular song
  • (TODO) killSong: remove a song from the library


  • (TODO) removeUser: clear all actions by a particular user
  • (TODO) history: show the log of all actions taken in a particular time period
  • quit: quit the server

Query Commands

{ "cmd":"playlists" }array of playlists

Returns a JSON array of all JSON playlist objects in the system, sorted by name.

Each playlist summary object looks like the following:

  "name"  : "Party Time",
  "songs" : 42,
  "code"  : null

If the playlist is "live" the code key will have a string of the query used to generate the playlist.

Use the playlist query to get the list of songs for a particular playlist.

{"cmd":"playlist", "name":"…"}playlist details

Returns a JSON object identical to those returned by playlists, except that the songs key is an array of of JSON song summary objects for the playlist.

Songs are sorted by artist, album, track, and title. Each song summary object looks like the following:

  "file"    : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a",
  "title"   : "Titles",
  "artist"  : "Chicane",
  "album"   : "Giants",
  "genre"   : "Dance",
  "date"    : 2010,
  "time"    : 261,
  "rank"    : 0.6327,
  "artwork" : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a.jpg"

The length value is the duration the song in seconds.

The rank value is the relative value of the song (based on complex voting), and is normalized between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

Metadata missing for a song (e.g. no year information) will be missing from the object; there will not be a key with a null value.

{"cmd":"playing"}array of song summaries

Returns a song summary object.


see a summary of upcoming songs

{"cmd":"songs"}array of song summaries

Returns a JSON array of JSON song summary objects for every song tracked in the library.

Songs are sorted by artist, album, track, and title. Each song summary object looks like the following:

  "file"    : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a",
  "title"   : "Titles",
  "artist"  : "Chicane",
  "album"   : "Giants",
  "genre"   : "Dance",
  "date"    : 2010,
  "time"    : 261,
  "rank"    : 0.6327,
  "artwork" : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a.jpg"

{"cmd":"song", "file":…}song details

Returns a JSON object with detailed information about the song with the supplied file.

Song details look like the following:

  "file"        : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a",
  "title"       : "Titles",
  "artist"      : "Chicane",
  "album"       : "Giants",
  "genre"       : "Dance",
  "date"        : 2010,
  "time"        : 261,
  "rank"        : 0.6327,
  "artwork"     : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a.jpg",
  "modified"    : "2015-07-29 04:46:01 UTC",
  "track"       : 12,
  "composer"    : "N. Bracegirdle/J. Hockley",
  "disc"        : 1,
  "albumartist" : "Chicane",
  "bpm"         : 134

{"cmd":"search", "query":"…"}array of song summaries

Returns a JSON array of JSON song summary objects for every song tracked in the library.

The simple query field is matched loosely against title, artist, album, genre, and year.

Playback Control Commands


pause playback

{"cmd":"play", …}

To start or resume playback from the current song list, issue this command with no additional parameters.


skip to the next song


restart the current song, or go to a previous song

{"cmd":"seek", "time":4.71}

jump to a particular playback time


add a particular song to the upcoming playlist


remove a particular song from the upcoming playlist

Song Voting

Each user of rb3jay can express their opinion about a song. The relative desirability of each song is based on a complex formula taking overall voting into account.

The five voting levels are:

  • love +2 : I'm not tired of this song, play it every day.
  • like +1 : This song should come up more often than others.
  • zero 0 : I'm okay with this song.
  • bleh -1 : I'm getting tired of this song. Play it every other week.
  • hate -2 : If it were up to me, this song would never be played.

Voting on a song requires the song's file and the name of the user who is voting:

  "cmd"  : "like",
  "file" : "Chicane/Giants/12 Titles.m4a",
  "user" : "phrogz"

Modifying Commands

{"cmd":"makePlaylist", "name":"…"}

The name parameter is the name of the new playlist. You may optionally include a code parameter set to a string to create this as a "live" playlist.

{"cmd":"editPlaylist", "name"="…", …}

Update the information about a playlist, or its song contents. Along with the editPlaylist command and the name attribute identifying the playlist to modify, you must supply one or more of the following changes to make:

  • {…, "newName"="…"} — rename the playlist.
  • {…, "code"="…"} — set the query to use for a "live" playlist.
    Set this to null to make this a normal playlist.
  • {…, "add"=["file1","file3","file2"]} — add the songs (specified by song file).
    Playlists are unordered; the order of songs has no impact on the result.
    Adding songs will be ignored if the playlist is "live".
  • {…, "remove"=["file7","file3"]} — remove the songs (specified by song file).
    Songs that are not already in the playlist will be silently ignored.
    Removing songs will be ignored if the playlist is "live".

{"cmd":"killPlaylist", "name"="…"}

Delete a playlist, specified by name.

{"cmd":"editSong", "file"="…"}

update metadata for a particular song

Admin Commands


Clear all actions (especially votes) by a particular user.


show the log of all actions taken in a particular time period


Cleanly shut down the server. Does not send a response.


Gavin Kistner [email protected]