
React Simple Ecommerce Site using minimal React setup (for development)


Products Grid

This is an ecommerce site, where you can buy all sorts of ascii faces like (ノ・∀・)ノ and ¯_(ツ)_/¯, in a wide variety of font sizes. The homepage should display a list of products for people to browse.

Please read the instructions and FAQ below before beginning.


  • products are displayed in a grid.
  • give the user an option to sort the products in ascending order. Can sort by "size", "price" or "id". The products list should be reloaded when a new sorting option is chosen.
  • each product has :
    • a "size" field, which is the font-size (in pixels). We should display the faces in their correct size, to give customers a realistic impression of what they're buying.
    • a "price" field, in cents. This should be formatted as dollars like $3.51.
    • a "date" field, which is the date the product was added to the catalog. Dates should be displayed in relative time (eg. "3 days ago") unless they are older than 1 week, in which case the full date should be displayed.
  • the product grid should automatically load more items as you scroll down.
  • display an animated "loading..." message while the user waits for the data to load.
  • to improve the user's experience, we should always pre-emptively fetch the next batch of results in advance, making use of idle-time. But they still should not be displayed until the user has scrolled to the bottom of the product grid.
  • when the user reaches the end and there are no more products to display, show the message "~ end of catalogue ~".

Ads features

  • after every 20 products we need to insert an advertisement from one of our sponsors.

Products API

  • The basic query looks like this: /api/products
  • The response format is JSON.
  • To paginate results use the _page parameter, eg: /api/products?_page=10&_limit=15 (returns 15 results starting from the 10th page).
  • To sort results use the _sort parameter, eg: /api/products?_sort=price. Valid sort values are price, size and id.


How do I start the app?

Start with npm start. The server will look for any files you add to the public/ directory.