
A plain old JavaScript completion model for any UI



A plain old JavaScript completion model for any UI


Alright. So you're working hard on your current project and the time comes when you need to implement some sort of autocomplete. Maybe you're using Ember or React. Maybe you're using Backbone or JQuery. Heck, maybe you're just making a console application that needs TAB completion. So you ask yourself "what is the best autocomplete library for [Ember|React|Backbone|Bootstrap|JQuery|FrameworkX|FrameworkY|FrameworkZ|etc....]? And you google around, and you find the one that happens to be the most popular for your framework at the moment (in most cases that amounts to wrapped hairball of a JQuery plugin.)

So you try out a number of these solutions, but you find that extending them and customizing them for your particular corner cases to be painful. Even those that were written just for the framework you're using don't always fit quite right.

That's where recomplete comes in. It seeks to make the question of "what's the best completion plugin for framework X?" obsolete.

That's because autocompletion isn't a widget, it's a workflow. It's a workflow that exists outside the scope of any one UI framework, and Recomplete.js seeks to capture that workflow in a simple JavaScript model that can be represented in any medium, visual or otherwise..

In other words, Recomplete doesn't give you an autocomplete widget, but what it does do is make building your own that is custom-fit straightforward.


Recomplete models completion via a set of actions coupled with a single data structure representing the current state of the workflow. As the state changes, recomplete will emit a new version of its model that can be used to render.

Note: There is no concept of fine-grained events in recomplete. Every time there is a state change, it re-emits the workflow's model in its entirety. The data structure representing the state is immutable in the sense that any changes made to it will not have any effect on workflow state.

import Recomplete from 'recomplete';

// create a new instance passing a data source. The datasource is a
// function that takes a query and returns either an array of matches
// or a promise that yields an array of matches
let recomplete = new Recomplete({
  // this function will be invoked whenever a new query is available
  // it should return a promise that yields matches for the query.
  // If it returns a synchronous value, it will be wrapped in a promise that
  // resolves immediately.

  source: function(query) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      makeRequestForMatchesFromSomewhere(resolve, reject);
  // this function will be invoked whenever the completion changes state
  observe: function(state) {
    currentState = state;

At some point The user will enter some query. How this happens is system dependent, but once it does, you can call the setQuery() method. For example, if this was in JQuery we might see something like:

$('input').on('change', function() {

This will invoke the data source and indicate that you have a set of matches pending:

currentState.isPending //=> true
currentState.isResolved //=> false
currentState.isSettled //=> false

At some point, the datasource promise will resolve:

currentState.isPending //=> false
currentstate.isResolved //=> true
currentstate.isSettled //=> true
currentState.matches //=> [..array of your match objects]
currentState.isInspectingMatches //=> true

You are now considered to be "inspecting" matches. This corresponds to a user having been presented a set of matches, usually in the form of a popoup list. Now they are considering which one to go to with. Recomplete provides actions to understand those decisions. Let's say they don't like the first :

currentState.currentMatch //=> advanced one match

Maybe you want to cancel. To continue our JQuery example, maybe you hit the ESC key. In that case, you would invoke:

$(this).on('keyup', function(event) {
  if (event.keyCode === 27) {
    currentState.isInspectingMatches //=> false

Or maybe they don't cancel, instead they hit the enter key, and you want that to mean selecting the currently selected match. In either case, after a selection is made, the workflow is no longer considered to be inspecting matches.

$(this).on('keyup', function() {
  if (event.keyCode === 13) {
    currentState.value //=> the value that was just selected
    currentState.isInpsectingMatches //=> false


Recomplete is written using ES6 and follows this template for distributing NPM packages containing ES6 source.

checkout the source and run the tests:

$ git clone
$ cd recomplete.js
$ npm install
$ npm test