
experiments with a vuex-module like experience for redux with API handling magic



an experiment at making a vuex-like experience in redux with some ✨magic✨ helpers for eliminating API request boilerplate

If you're not familiar with vuex, you may want to check out the docs quickly. It's the same concepts/design as redux, but without a lot of headaches and boilerplate.

So what does Revux do?

The main goal is to introduce some of the concepts that make vuex easy to use into a redux world:

  • Modules (see vuex) - a way to organize all related logic for one chunk of the store together
    • a module has initial state, getters, actions, mutations
  • Mutations (see vuex) - a function that knows how to change the store (like one of the cases in a redux reducer)
    • mutations are wrapped with immer so you can just mutate the state and skip all the immutability headaches
  • Getters (see vuex) - a function used to get derived/computed values from other store properties (ex: selectedUser(state) => state.allUsers[state.selectedUserId])
    • similar to what reselect tries to solve, but this is easier, and organizing it within a module makes it cleaner
  • Actions (see vuex) - while a mutation only knows how to change the state, an action can be async, and can orchestrate multiple mutations to the store, and trigger other actions
    • this is just a bit of a cleaner setup than redux's actions/action creators/reducers setup
    • using redux-thunk under the hood to allow a dispatched action to trigger other actions

The secondary goal is to introduce some API request related magic to remove all the awful boilerplate. Here are the goals:

  • all common logic (tracking request status, errors, making the api request) should be handled by the library
  • no need to define 3 constants (GET_USER_INIT, GET_USER_SUCCESS, GET_USER_FAILURE) and reuse them across 3 files
  • request status is kept in the store and easy to access
  • define the action params alongside the change to the store


The easiest way to see how this works is to look at a super basic example of a store module:

import _ from 'lodash';
import { RevuxModule } from 'revux';

export default new RevuxModule({
  namespace: 'todos',
  state: {
    list: {},
    selectedTodoId: null,
  getters: {
    todos: (state) => _.values(state.list),
    selectedTodo: (state) => state.list[state.selectedTodoId],
  apiActions: {
    GET_TODOS: {
      action: (ctx, payload) => ({
        method: 'get',
        url: '/todos',
      mutation(state, { response }) {
        state.list = _.keyBy(response, 'id');
    ADD_TODO: {
      action: (ctx, payload) => ({
        method: 'post',
        url: '/todos',
        params: payload,
      mutation(state, { response }) {
        state.list[] = response;
  actions: {
    selectTodo(ctx, payload) {
  mutations: {
    SET_SELECTED_TODO(state, id) {
      state.selectedTodoId = id;

Dig in deeper with a full TodoList example app:

Project status

This is still an experiment and there is much work left to do, but it seems promising!

Here are next steps:

  • make getters memoized/smarter, so things only recompute when necessary. Maybe use reselect?
  • figure out inter-module communication (vuex has good patterns for this)
  • implement more utilities for getting module state into components (like mapGetters)
    • maybe this works within redux's connect(), or maybe its an aleternative?