
a bare-bones development server for watchify

MIT License



This is a bare-bones development server for watchify. For a more feature-rich development server built on the same underlying modules, see budo.

Features at a glance:

  • serves a default HTML index
  • browserifies your entry file with incremental rebuilding
  • serves your static files on port 9966 or the next available port
  • suspends server response until the build is finished, so you are never served a stale or empty bundle
  • logs build timing to stdout with ndjson
  • build errors will be printed to the browser console by default


npm install watchify-server [-g|--save]


Example with CLI:

watchify-server index.js --port 8000 --dir public/

It might look like this with npm scripts and garnish for pretty-printing:

  "devDependencies": {
    "watchify-server": "^1.0.0",
    "garnish": "^2.3.0"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "watchify-server src/app.js --port 8000 --dir public | garnish"


Typically this module is used via a CLI, but it also exposes a simple JavaScript API.


  watchify-server entry.js [options] -- [browserify]

  --port, -p          port to listen on, default 9966
  --host, -h          host to listen on, default localhost
  --dir, -d           directory for static content, default process.cwd()
  --no-debug          turns off source maps
  --no-error-handler  turns off syntax error handling
  --index             optional file path to override default index.html
  --title             title of HTML index
  --css, -s           optional style sheet href, relative to --dir

Browserify options are passed after the -- full stop.

The --title and --css arguments are only applicable to the default index.html handler.


Note: The API does not set any default config on the browserify instance, so it is up to the developer to set debug, packageCache, and cache.

server = watchifyServer(browserify, opt, [cb])

Creates a new watchify server that wraps the specified browserify instance. Options:

  • entry (required) the path to the entry file to browserify
  • silent set to true to disable logs

Other options are passed to watchify-middleware and serves, but defaults port to 9966 and errorHandler to true.

The returned server emits 'update' events from watchify-middleware.

The callback takes the form callback(err, ev) with the following event parameters when the server starts listening:

  url: String  // 'http://localhost:8080/' 
  port: Number // 8080 
  host: String // 'localhost' 

server = watchifyServer.fromArgs(browserifyArgs, [opt], [cb])

Creates a new watchify server from the given command-line browserify args array, with optional opt overrides and a callback.

The entry is resolved by browserify arg parsing, so opt is optional and cb can be passed as the second parameter.

See Also

  • budo - a more feature-rich development server (live reload, browser launching, better error reporting, etc)
  • watchify-middleware - the underlying middleware for pending server requests
  • serves - the underlying server utility for this tool
  • simple-html-index - the default HTML index used in this tool
  • inject-lr-script - may be useful for injecting LiveReload into the index handler


MIT, see for details.