
A tool to automatically sync themes from your local file system to your hosted Shopify shops.


Shopify Theme Sync for node (v 0.0.6)

A command line tool to monitor and sync themes from your local file system to your hosted Shopify shops.

Install and Configuration

  1. Clone (then run npm install) or just npm install me onto your local machine or Cloud9IDE environment

  2. rename config-example.json to config.json.

  3. edit the properties of config.json to match your Shopify shops' private app credentials (you can do this by going to https://{yourshop} then point the config file's directory property to your themes' folders.

  4. Run the command npm start (or node app) and start editing your Shopify templates!

If you have any questions about these steps, or don't know how to use a command line tool like this one, feel free to open an issue here and/or ask about it on StackOverflow.


Check config-example.json for examples on applying these options. The defaults are:

 	"compress": {
 		// Enable this option for automatic file compression with Uglify.js
 		// Note: minification will only be applied to the uploaded file, the local file will not be modified.
 		"js": false // do not compress/minify JavaScript/JSON by default.
 	"uploadOriginal": false, // for compressed files, upload the original version also (with a .orig extension)
 	"ignoreDotFiles": true, // ignore dotfiles by default.
 	"interval": 500 // the default interval used when checking files for modification (in milliseconds)

To Actually Edit Templates:

You'll first need to install the template into your Shopify store then download and extract the zip file for the template. For now, each template for your shop must be named after its template ID, e.g., 3981452 and 4870543.

If your config file's directory property is /home/websites/shopname/ you should have directory tree similar to:



  1. Add config option to automatically minify JavaScript (done), CSS, and/or HTML (w/liquid), and optimize asset images on the fly.
  2. Allow sub-directories within theme folders for better file organization. We can "fake" sub directories by replacing the "/" (forward slash) character with a magic string, like "DIR" (Shopify doesn't allow special characters in filenames, otherwise I'd just use a solidus /), i.e., the resource assets/css/main.css would be referenced and uploaded as assets__DIR__css__DIR__main.css
  3. Add config option to automatically download themes from a Shopify store to local disk.