
Weather App with the help of JS and API's


[Weather App On JS]

The Weather App project is build using Asynchronous Javascript and APIs call with async/await feature keeping in mind.

Landing Page

Local Weather Detail

Toggle Between Fahrenheit/Celcius

Weather Description

Grid View

Live Demo

Built With

  • HTML + CSS
  • JavaScript
  • API

Getting Started

To get started with the app, cd to the directory where you would like the repo to live by typing on your terminal:

Clone the repo typing:

$git clone

Create .env file

key='Your-API-KEY' for open weather
KEY='Your-API-KEY' for ipinfo
	1. The ENV file key should be placed without ''
	2. Signup at ipinfo and OPEN WEATHER before and get the proper API keys to make the calls.

Run the following cammand

$npm install
$npm run build
Open Dist/index.html through live server

User Interation UI

  • User can toggle between Fahrenheit/Celcius
  • Users can enter any valid location.
  • Users can get live report.


👤 Shubham Raj

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Future Enhancement

  • Adding More Validation.
  • Making the Mobile friendly.