
World of nations is a beautiful, totally responsive web app made with React and Redux where you can consult a list of metrics and info about the countries of the world.


Table of Contents


World of nations is a beautiful, totally responsive web app made with React and Redux where you can consult a list of metrics and info about the countries of the world, achieved by fetching the REST countries API with a beautiful frontend mosaic design. You can search by country name and the results will come up as you type. By clicking on any country, you can view its info.

Desktop view

Homepage desktop

Country view desktop

Small devices view

Homepage and country view small screens

Tablets view

Homepage and country view tablets

Features video


Visit World of Nations!

Made with

  • Javascript
  • Webpack
  • React
  • Redux
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • CSS3
  • HTML5

Future Updates and Roadmap

  • More general styling
  • Categorization
  • Covid-19 live data (extra API)

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:

  1. Under the repository name, click the Clone or download green button.
  1. Copy the URL given by clicking the clipboard button

  2. Open a terminal window in your local machine and change the current directory to the one you want the clone directory to be made.

  3. Type git clone and then paste the URL you previusly copied to the clipboard

  4. Change the current directory to the newly created folder

  5. In your terminal, npm install to install the dependencies.

  6. Now run npm start and the app should appear on your browser.


Miguel Tapia


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc


This project is MIT licensed.