
A redux wrapper to get started quickly


Simple Redux is a state management library for the layman. It is just a global store to get and update values.

  • Dead simple — One hook for receiving values and updating them.
  • Redux based — Opinionated version of Redux. Core Redux concepts still apply.
  • Plug & Play — Copy and paste the code below and you are ready to go.

Getting Started

  1. Install the npm package.

    npm i simple-redux-js
  2. Load the provider in App.js.

    const App = () => (
      <SimpleProvider initialState={{ token: 'default_token' }}>
  3. Access and update global state in any other component.

    const Child = () => {
      const simpleDispatch = useSimpleDispatch()
      return (
          <button onClick={() => simpleDispatch('token', 'value')}>


  • useSimpleSelector (propertyName)
    Selects the property by name from the store.
const token = useSimpleSelector('token')
  • getSimpleState (propertyName)
    Selects the property by name outside of a component.
const token = getSimpleState('token')
  • getSimpleStates ()
    Selects all states of the store outside of a component.
const allStates = getSimpleStates()
  • store
    Access the store outside of a component.
store.subscribe(() => {
  console.log('the store has been updated')
  • useSimpleDispatch ()
    Creates a dispatch method to update the store.
  const simpleDispatch = useSimpleDispatch()
  • simpleDispatch (propertyName, propertyValue)
    Updates the property by name with the specified value.
  const setToken = (token) => simpleDispatch('token', token)

Full Example

// App.js
import React from 'react'
import ReactDom from 'react-dom'

import { SimpleProvider } from 'simple-redux-js'

import { Child } from './Child'

const defaultToken = localStorage.getItem('token')

const App = () => (
  <SimpleProvider initialState={{ token: defaultToken }}>
ReactDom.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root'))

// Child.js
import React from 'react'

import { useSimpleSelector, useSimpleDispatch } from 'simple-redux-js'

const Child = () => {
  const simpleDispatch = useSimpleDispatch()
  const token = useSimpleSelector('token')
  const setToken = (token) => simpleDispatch('token', token)

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setToken('user_token')}>
export { Child }


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git commit (clean repo)
npm version patch (or minor)
npm publish
git push


simple-redux-js is released under the ISC License.