
Sniffer.js packet sniffer in nodejs, browser or experimental standalone app (electron)

OTHER License



This software intensely whitelists packets displayed. This permits easier monitoring of traffic by someone less familiar with packet filtering (such as actors on a stage). At the moment it is configured to only show outgoing packets from 192.168. 10. and 172. networks. Elements such as Logins via unencrypted POP / IMAP / HTTP-POST / HTTP-Auth shown. Images shown on mouse hover or automatically opened in a new tab/window. This is basically a Wall-Of-Sheep implementation for the theatrical stage.

[email protected] for use in the Anonymous-P theater production. Pull requests and bug reports appreciated at any of:


  • Alt+Click on Source IP filters current list by IP
  • Alt+Click Application Protocol column filters by protocol
  • MDNS host resolution
  • Entropy Graph (protocol agnostic method to measure amount of crypto in use)
  • Map of sessions for destinations geographical (not shown in screencast)
  • Auto open image urls in new tab/window (not show)
  • Hover over image url to show
  • Click found HTTP url to open in new tab/window
  • POP/IMAP Logins shown but unlike screen cast text is same color as
  • Login's via HTTP Post or HTTP Auth shown in light green


License: Non-White-Heterosexual-Male

If you are not a white heterosexual male you are permitted to copy, sell and use this work in any manner you choose without need to include any attribution you do not see fit. You are asked as a courtesy to retain this license in any derivatives but you are not required. If you are a white heterosexual male you are provided the same permissions (reuse, modification, resale) but are required to include this license in any documentation and any public facing derivative. You are also required to include attribution to the original author or to an author responsible for redistribution of a derivative.


Requires node libpcap-dev installed on your system.

git clone
cd snifferjs
npm install

For resolving IP addresses to Geo Location download the Maxmind free dataset

gzip -d GeoIP.dat.gz


node sniffer.js <interface> ""
open http://localhost:8080

(last arg is optional pcap fitler. e.g "ip")

Sniffer.js has been tested with

* node 4.2.6
* npm 2.14.12
* node-gyp 3.0.3

Others have reported 4.4.4 5.7.0 8.9.2 may also work. If you run into issues consider downgrading with ``n`:

npm install -g -n
n 4.2.6
rm -rf node_modules
npm install


HTTP_ONLY_FIRST=true  Only the first HTTP packet will be shown. If a network
                      user accesses only the GET for
                      the index.html will be shown, not subsequent image and
                      resource loads over HTTP. *_ONLY_FIRST applies in a
                      similar many for other protocols.

FIRST_PER_IP=false    The *_ONLY_FIRST flags apply globally. This means if two
                      network users access HTTP sites at the same time only
                      the first will be shown.

MAIL_ONLY_LOGIN=true  Only LOGIN requests for POP/IMAP are shown.

ONLY_OUTGOING=true    Only show packets going out from 192.168 10. and 172.
                      networks. (AT THE MOMENT NOT AVAILABLE. ONLY_OUTGOING
                      is the default behavior)

Installation Alternatives

docker build -t snifferjs \

Older node v0.10.25 npm v1.3.24

git reset --hard a68b74beef81d196969a0b9a06e25a2975f6b001
rm -rf node_modules
npm install


Entropy Graphs

Currently disabled by default the code can display a graph of overall network data entropy levels. For this one needs to install libdisorder

git clone
cd libdisorder/code/src
gcc -dynamiclib -flat_namespace "*.o" -o libdisorder.dylib
cp libdisorder.dylib <snifferjsdir>
gcc -shared -o -fPIC disorder.c
cp <snifferjsdir>

Troubleshooting MDNS

To check that dig resolve for MDNS resolution:

dig +noall +answer +time=1 -x <test_ip> -p 5353 @
dig +noall +answer +time=1 -x <test_ip> -p 5353 @<test_ip>

should return something like:

<test_ip>	10	IN	PTR	thais.local.

sniffer_cache.js uses this command and takes the last part of the text when split on spaces.

Error: cannot open shared object
