
JS library for drag-and-drop lists, supports sortable and draggable

MIT License



A JS Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable

Live Demo



npm install sortable-dnd


<ul id="group">
  <li class="item">
    <i id="handle" class="handle">handle</i>
  <li class="item">
    <i id="handle" class="handle">handle</i>
  <li class="item">
    <i id="handle" class="handle">handle</i>


import Sortable from 'sortable-dnd';

let sortable = new Sortable(document.getElementById('group'), {
  // draggable: 'li', // use tagName
  // draggable: '#item', // use id
  draggable: '.item', // use class
  // handle: 'I', // use tagName
  // handle: '#handle', // use id
  // handle: (e) => === 'I' ? true : false, // use function
  handle: '.handle', // use class


new Sortable(element, {
  draggable: '', // Specifies which items inside the element should be draggable
  handle: '', // Drag handle selector within list items
  group: '', // see @Group
  lockAxis: '', // Axis on which dragging will be locked
  multiple: false, // Enable multiple drag
  selectHandle: '', // Handle selector within list items which used to select element in `multiple: true`

  easing: '', // Easing for animation
  animation: 150, // Animation speed moving items when sorting
  chosenClass: '', // Class name for the chosen item
  selectedClass: '', // The class of the element when it is selected, it is usually used when multiple drag
  placeholderClass: '', // Class name for the drop placeholder
  ghostStyle: {}, // The style of the mask element when dragging
  ghostClass: '', // The class of the mask element when dragging

  sortable: true, // Whether the current list can be sorted by dragging.
  disabled: false, // Disables the sortable if set to true
  autoScroll: true, // Automatic scrolling when moving to the edge of the container
  scrollThreshold: 55, // Threshold to trigger autoscroll
  scrollSpeed: { x: 10, y: 10 }, // Vertical&Horizontal scrolling speed (px)
  delay: 0, // Time in milliseconds to define when the sorting should start
  delayOnTouchOnly: false, // Only delay if user is using touch
  touchStartThreshold: 1, // How many *pixels* the point should move before cancelling a delayed drag event.
  emptyInsertThreshold: -1, // Distance mouse must be from empty sortable to insert drag element into it.
  fallbackOnBody: false, // Appends the ghost element into the document's body
  store: null, // store data
  direction: '', // Direction of Sortable, will be detected automatically if not given.
  swapOnDrop: true, // When the value is false, the dragged element will return to the starting position of the drag
  removeCloneOnDrop: true, // Whether to remove the cloneEl after the drag is complete.

  customGhost: (nodes) => {
    // Customize the ghost element in drag
    // you must return an HTMLElement

  // Element is chosen
  onChoose: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Element is unchosen
  onUnchoose: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Element dragging started
  onDrag: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Move an item in the list or between lists
  onMove: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Element dragging is completed
  onDrop: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Element is dropped into the current list from another
  onAdd: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Element is removed from the current list into another
  onRemove: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Dragging element changes position in the current list
  onChange: (event) => {
    // see @SortableEvent

  // Element is selected
  onSelect: (event) => {
    // see @SelectEvent

  // Element is unselected
  onDeselect: (event) => {
    // see @SelectEvent


// string
group: 'name',

// object
group: {
  name: 'group', // group name

  // whether elements can be added from other lists,
  // or an array of group names from which elements can be taken.
  put: true | false | ['group1', 'group2'],

  // whether elements can be moved out of this list.
  pull: true | false | 'clone',

  // revert drag element to initial position after moving to a another list.
  revertDrag: true | false,


event.from; // previous list; // list of currently placed drag element
event.node; // dragged element
event.nodes; // dragged elements
event.clone; // cloned element, all dnd operations are based on cloned element and do not alter the source dom(node).
event.clones; // cloned elements, there is a value only in the `pull: clone` after moving to a another list.; // drop element
event.oldIndex; // old index within parent. `-1`: element added from another list to the current list
event.newIndex; // new index within parent. `-1`: element has been removed from the current list
event.event; // TouchEvent | MouseEvent
event.pullMode; // Pull mode if dragging into another sortable.
event.relative; // Position of the drop element relative to the drag element after swap is complete.
event.revertDrag; // revert draged element to initial position after moving to a another list in `pull: 'clone'` & `revertDrag: true`.
event.backToOrigin; // dragged element go back to the original list in `pull: 'clone'`.


event.event; // TouchEvent | MouseEvent
event.index; // index within parent
event.node; // dragged element
event.from; // list container


let sortable = new Sortable(el);

// Manually clear all the state of the component, using this method the component will not be draggable

// Get or set the option value, depending on whether the `value` is passed in
sortable.option(key, value?);

// Selects the provided multi-drag item;

// Deselects the provided multi-drag item

// Get the selected elements in the list, the return value is available in the case of `multiple`

Static Methods & Properties

import Sortable from 'sortable-dnd';

Sortable.create(el: HTMLElement, options: SortableOptions); // Create new instance

Sortable.get(el: HTMLElement); // Get the Sortable instance of an element

Sortable.dragged; // The element being dragged

Sortable.clone; // The clone element

Sortable.ghost; // The ghost element; // Active Sortable instance


import Sortable from 'sortable-dnd';
const { on, off, css, index, closest, getRect, toggleClass } = Sortable.utils;

// attach an event handler function
on(el: HTMLElement, event: String, fn: Function);

// remove an event handler
off(el: HTMLElement, event: String, fn: Function);

// set one CSS properties
css(el: HTMLElement, prop: String, value: String);

// Returns the index of an element within its parent for a selected set of elements
index(el: HTMLElement, selector: String);

// For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
closest(el: HTMLElement, selector: String, context: HTMLElement, includeContext: Boolean);

// Returns the "bounding client rect" of given element
getRect(element: HTMLElement, relativeToContainingBlock: boolean, container: HTMLElement);

// Add or remove one classes from each element
toggleClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String, state: Boolean);