
A simple and secure server for static files.

MIT License


Statikk NPM statikk package

A simple and secure server for static files.

  • Pithy flags for CORS and Cross-origin isolation.
  • Two smart security defaults:
    1. Your .git files are not exposed. (Whereas ALL other simple http servers do expose this security concern (except serve))
    2. The server isn't accessible outside of localhost. Other folks on your network won't be able to browse it via your internal IP.
  • If you don't specify a port, it'll be deterministically generated based on your working directory. 🎉

Command line usage

$ npm install -g statikk

$ cd ~/Sites/

$ statikk --cors --open
🤓 Served by statikk: http://localhost:10810

Command line options

  • --port NNNN: custom port. If not specified, it'll use a port automagically based on process.cwd(). (So different projects use different ports!)
  • --open: Open the hosted URL in your default browser. (Only supported on Mac OS!)
  • --cors: Add CORS headers
  • --coi: Add cross-origin isolation headers (more)

This weakens security:

  • --expose: expose server to hosts other than localhost.

All non-port options default to false.


// Start server at http://localhost:9000 serving ./
$ statikk --port 9000

// Start server at http://localhost:60384 (perhaps) serving ~/Sites/project
$ statikk ~/Sites/project

// Start server at a deterministically-chosen port based on the working directory, and open the browser
$ statikk --open


This project is a fork of...

The original project doesn't correctly exclude all hidden files, which is why I've forked and republished. ~paul irish. june 2017.