
Javascript to CSS: A convenience wrapper around free-style

MIT License


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Javascript to CSS: Convert a style object into css and insert it into the DOM at runtime.

This library is a convenience wrapper around free-style that provides auto-prefixing and an easier API.

Total size is less than 6KB gzipped.

npm install --save stylin


var css = require('stylin')
var h = require('virtual-dom/h')

function render (color) {
  var style = {
    color: color,
    '&:hover': {
      backgroundColor: color
  return h('div', {className: css(style)})

render('red') // generates new stylesheet and className
render('red') // re-uses stylesheet and className
render('blue') // generates new stylesheet and className


All styles are set to !important by default, to avoid the pains of style-priority.

stylin will mutate passed in style objects to add browser prefixes and !important the first time they are passed in. We mutate objects for two performance increases:

  • We only need to add prefixes and !important once per style object
  • We don't thrash the garbage collector with a deluge of new objects

stylin(style, [styleOptions]) -> className

Returns a string className for the given style object. All style values will be marked as !important. Use stylin.unimportant when this is not wanted.


Type: Object (required)

An object of style key/value pairs, which will be prefixed and passed to FreeStyle#registerStyle.


Type: Object


If passed in, use a FreeStyle instance and stylesheet matching styleId for these styles. By default, all styles are shared between one FreeStyle instance and <style> tag using stylin.STYLE_ID.

stylin.unimportant(style, [styleOptions]) -> className`

Returns a string className for the given style object. This the same as the the main stylin method above, except it does not mark style values as !important.

This is good to use with elements who will have styles added to them by third-party libraries, so as not to override those styles.

stylin.rule(key, style, [styleOptions]) -> undefined

Creates a global rule from the given styles extended together. Use it for font-faces and other global rules.

Passes a prefixed rule object to FreeStyle#registerRule.

See stylin() method above for documentation of styleOptions.


var css = require('stylin')
css.rule('@font-face', {
  fontFamily: '"Bitstream Vera Serif Bold"',
  src: 'url('

stylin.keyframes(style, [styleOptions]) -> animationName

Returns a string animationName for the given keyframe definition.

Passes a prefixed keyframe object to FreeStyle#registerKeyframes.

See stylin() method above for documentation of styleOptions.


var css = require('stylin')
var animationName = css.keyframes({
  from: {opacity: 0},
  to: {opacity: 1}

stylin.getCss([styleId]) -> cssString

styleId defaults to stylin.STYLE_ID.

Returns a string of all styles generated. Intended for use in server-side rendering.


Removes all saved styles. Good for "clearing" styles before each server-side render.


This is the string ID of the <style> element that styles will be placed into by default.

For server side rendering, send the following to the client, and the client will find the existing styles in the style tag and merge them:

var stylin = require('stylin')
function serverRenderApp () {
  var appHtml = renderMyApp()
  return `
      <style id="${stylin.STYLE_ID}">${stylin.getCss()}</style>
    ... everything else ...


MIT © Andrew Joslin

MIT © Blake Embrey, free-style