
The exercise is to model and code a simple supermarket pricing solution. It is inspired by Pragmatic Dave’s Supermarket Kata.


Supermarket Kata

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Table of Contents


This is a simple ReactJS front-end that allows a user to add/remove items into a basket and have the basket total automatically updated based on item price and applicable discounts.

I have:

  1. used functional programming over OO
  2. used javascript
  3. not needed to use any functional libraries such as lodash-fp
  4. used bootstrap + a little bit of custom styling
  5. used redux
  6. written clean code
  7. used TDD - see the git history. As the complexity of this task was mainly in the effects of the add/remove items buttons, I mainly used integration tests to be confident about these interactions. I unit tested key functions (e.g. pricing items) to cover edge cases. I used acceptance and integration tests to ensure that important business rules are protected when changes come later.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Download Node.js v8 or above


Clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:rwalle61/supermarket-kata.git

Install dependencies

yarn install

Run the app

yarn start

The app will be running at http://localhost:3000.

Running the Tests

Jest watch mode

yarn test

All tests

yarn test:ci