
Demo and slides for a talk on Angular UI Router


Talk UI Router

For the ngParis meetup of the July the 24th, 2013, I'll be presenting UI Router. This GitHub aims to contains demo and slides.

[AngularJS: We must go deeper](http://


For the demo, I choose to clone the very good code from Year Of Moo second article on Angular's animations.

This code base is great for animations but routing can be improved. I demonstrate this by including AngularJS UI Router to handle states while keeping animations working.

As I intend to work with as up to date as possible versions of libraries, you need to build AngularJS and UI Router which I installed in bower with their real GitHub repository.

    npm install
    bower install
    cd app/bower_components/angular.js
    cd ../ui-router

Modifications which as been made :

  • Merge code with fresh 0.3.0 yo angular code base
  • Replace ?q=search by ui router state #/q/{search}
  • Replace appFocus directive by nested route /focus/{id} wiring same animations with ui-view and ng-show

Feature lost (at that point) : opening of the focus on the same line as the thumbnail.


Slides are made with RevealJS

I wrote the slides in english even if the talk will be in french