
Example/Boiler-plate for a TDD-ed VueJS frontend to webapps Using vuejs's Single File Components, webpack, karma, jasmine

MIT License


Example/Boiler-plate for a TDD-ed VueJS frontend to webapps

Using Vuejs's Single File Components, Webpack, Karma, Jasmine

Get started

prerequisites: NodeJS, Chrome, Firefox

$ npm install

Build the app

$ npm run build

Running the tests

On one terminal window/tab, start the Karma server:

$ npx cross-env BABEL_ENV=test karma start

Normally, the test suite will run whenever the code changes, but if one wants to trigger an explicit test run, this is the command to type:

$ npm test

If starting a server is not desirable (e.g: CI), this one-off command will run the tests in a standalone fashion:

$ npx cross-env BABEL_ENV=test karma start --single-run


Inspired by the examples from VueJS docs and the boilerplate Github repo made by Edd Yerburgh to test VueJS app with Karma/Mocha/Chai: vue-test-utils-karma-example

Note: Whose book can be found here:Testing Vue.js Applications

I wanted to create a skeleton project that works in 2019 for the "Future me" whenever I need to spin off a VueJS project to test with Jasmine while learning how to use these tools together.

This is a follow up to my single web page CodePen example for testing a VueJS app using Jasmine: VueJS Unit testing with Jasmine


  • Fix coverage
  • Add Safari to the list of browsers