
An easy inline error handling wrapper for async promises and syncronous functions

MIT License


🚥 TryInline

An easy inline error handling wrapper for async promises and syncronous functions

💡 Inspired by await-to-js

🎁 Example

const { try_ } = require('try-inline');

let err, data;

// async
[err, data] = await try_(somePromise());
if (err) process.exit(1);

// normal function
[err, data] = try_(() => someFunction());
if (err) process.exit(1);

📦 Installation

$ npm install try-inline

💈 Features

  • Inline error catching
  • Configurable error logging
  • Error object patching
    • on a execution fail, the returned error object includes its ErrorString
  • Labeling executions for better debugging
  • Filtering error results for specified key-paths
    (documentation coming soon)
    • only show specific keys from the error object


try_(executionObj, logOptionsString, [options]) => [err, data]

Wraps an execution safely. The default TryInline instance.

  • executionObj - the object to execute. Can be a promise or a callback with a syncronous function.
  • logOptionsString - optional (you can leave it empty) option string for the logger.
    • Format: "(logLevel:)labelString"
      • logLevel - method used from logger. The default logger is the JavaScript global "console". So the available values are: info, log, warn, error. Defaults to error. When you want to use your own logger, take a look at creating your own TryInline custom instance.
      • labelString - optional label attached to the error log message.
    • Example: "warn:HTTP_TIMEOUT" -> Logger gets the 'warn' log-level and the label string 'HTTP_TIMEOUT'
  • options - optional object with:
    • errData - additional error information (assinged to error.ErrorData).

Returns an array with two values:

  • err - the error obejct. When executionObj throws an error, it is assigned to err. Otherwise err is null.
  • data - returned value from executionObj. On error it gets undefined.
const { try_ } = require('try-inline');

let [err, data] = await try_(readFilePromise('lorem.txt'), 'warn:READ_FILE_ERR',
    { errData: "Safely ignore the error. The lorem file is optional." } 

// array destructuring is awesome!
let [err]    = ... // just get the error obj
let [, data] = ... // only get the data obj

new TryInline(options) => try_ (customized)

Creates a custom TryInline instance with specified options.

  • options - required object where:
    • Logger - custom error handling function. It gets error, level, label passed as arguments.
    • DefaultLogLevel - set the default level for your Logger.

Returns a custom try_ instance with attached Logger.

const TryInline = require('try-inline');

const try_ = new TryInline({
  Logger: function(error, level, label) {
    const logMessage = label ? `(${label}) ${error}` : error;
  DefaultLogLevel: 'debug'

☝️ Notes

Do not always trust automatic semi-colon insertion (ASI) in JavaScript, when not using semi-colons! Be careful when assigning the output variables by destructuring the returned array!

When you want to be 100% safe, then put a semi-colon in front of the destructuring statement:

;[err, data] = await try_(somePromise())

📃 License