
Meza's React Boilerplate

MIT License


Typescript React Template - EDIT ME

When the issue below is closed, we can migrate to Yarn2

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Building blocks

  • Yarn1
  • Webpack 5+
  • Typescript 4+
  • React 17+
  • Eslint
  • Stylelint
  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • Storybook

How to use

This template is fairly opinionated however it's a starting point with boilerplate. If you don't like it, don't use it or change it to however you like doing things.

Start Working

  1. Create a new repo with this template
  2. Clone your new repo
  3. Run yarn
  4. Install Nat Pryce's adr-tools for your system.

Noteworthy tasks:

yarn start - will start up the app and open a browser

yarn build - will bundle your app to the dist folder

yarn build:prod - will bundle your app to the dist folder

yarn clean - will clean mostly all artefacts aside from the node_modules dir

yarn clean:all - will also clean node_modules

yarn lint - will lint your files

yarn lint:fix - will lint and fix your files where it can

yarn ci - will run the same suite the CI should

yarn test - will run the unit tests

yarn test:e2e - will run the cypress tests

yarn test:full - will run both of the above

yarn report - will run jest with coverage metrics and run jscpd for duplicate code detection

yarn storybook - will launch storybook

yarn build-storybook - will build storybook

yarn chromatic - will upload storybook to chromatic

Adding ADRs

We're using ADRs to record Architectural Decisions. The tool of choice is Nat Pryce's adr-tools.

To add a new ADR, use: adr new This Is My New ADR Title from the project root.


  • CamelCase everywhere (aside from index files)
  • Things that belong to a component are isolated within the Components/ComponentName directory
  • ALL configuration lives in the .env.default file and is overriden by the .env


Typescript + Eslint instead but no prettier

We believe that if the error is automatically fixed without you noticing them, you might never learn. Having the linter raise an issue can help open discussions and research which further improves our understanding of the code.

Nothing is stopping you from adding prettier though. Here's a good article on how to use the 2 together effectively.

SCSS instead of Styled Components

While styled components have a noticable short term advantage in the long run with a growing project they can quickly become unmaintainable.

Here's a good post about the issues and the basic principles we follow.

SCSS processed by PostCSS and not node-sass

Node-sass's C bindings make it a pain to install the dependency and can often break. PostCSS is now capable of translating scss to css so in this project it does just that!

Webpack in ES6

By using the name: webpack.config.babel.js we can get babel to transpile the webpack config therefore we can use ES6 syntax across the project. This results in one interesting thing:

The existence of the scripts/babelConfigGenerator.js file which is capable of controlling the settings based on the caller.

The main reason is that in order to have Webpack work, we need to use babel with modules:false while with our app, we need other settings. This way we can keep our babel settings consistent and only change what needs to be changed to cater for 2 different usecases.