
A text, audio and video chat application built with webRTC and Ratchet (PHP WebSocket)


Video Call App

A one-to-one text, audio and video chat application built with WebRTC and RatchetPHP.


  • PHP >= 5.4
  • Composer


  • Video call
  • Audio call
  • Recording
  • Text chat
  • Two participants only

If you require more than two participants, check out this and this.

Getting Started

To test this app on your local server:

  • Run composer install from the root directory to install dependencies.
  • Set your app root (base url) in /js/config.js.
  • Open /ws/bin/server.php and add your domain name and/or ip address to $allowed_origins array, then replace the localhost and PORT in $app = new Ratchet\App('localhost', PORT, ''); with either your domain name or ip address and Port number respectively.
  • Set your web socket url in /js/config.js. Ensure the domain name and port matches what you set above. Use wss for secured connection.
  • Start Ratchet server by executing php ws/bin/server.php from your CLI.
  • Blam! Good to go. Open the app on two different devices to start chatting.
  • Works best on Chrome, Firefox and the latest versions of Opera desktop browser.
  • Xirsys' free STUN/TURN servers were used. If interested, you can get a free xirsys account, rename Server.example.php to Server.php and update it with your free credentials. Alternatively, you can use any STUN/TURN of your choice.


To host this online, you'll need to set up a few things:

  • Create Ratchet as a service so it can run persistently on your server. Check the file create-ratchet-as-a-service-with-daemon.txt for the guide on how to do this on linux servers.

  • If on SSL, Ratchet won't work unless you make some changes on your server.

    • Enable

    • Enable

    • Open your apache SSL config file and add this: ProxyPass /wss-secured/ ws://WEB_SOCKET_DOMAIN:WEB_SOCKET_PORT/

      e.g. ProxyPass /wss-secured/ ws://

      Note that you can substitute the wss-secured above with any path of your choice but you have to use the same path while connecting from the front-end as shown below.

    • Update your web socket url in /js/config.js:

      const wsUrl = 'wss://YOUR_WEB_SOCKET_DOMAIN/wss-secured';

  • Please note that most browsers will not allow access to media devices except the application is running on SSL or localhost (


You can test at