
An example of how to build a vue component monorepo with Webpack, Babel, Lerna, with unit testing by Jest/vue-test-utils

MIT License


Vue Monorepo Example

An example of how to configure a vue based monorepo that uses Webpack and Babel for building, Lerna for package orchestration, and jest w/ vue-test-utils for unit testing. Vue styleguidedist is utilized for common documentation of components.

To leverage this repository, the developer will need to understand the following prerequisites


Getting Started

With a compatible nodejs/npm setup, please make sure the following global dependencies are installed. (ex npm i -g lerna)


Please use a unix style command line tool (ex. git bash on windows)

yarn installd

This will install and bootstrap dependencies. This may take a few minutes but will set up your workspace. It will also link the executable binaries to components from the root of the workspace.


To build all subsequent packages for a production deploy/npm publish

yarn build

The above command will assume all subsequent packages have a build script defined


Either change directory into the package or at the root directory run

yarn test

This will run the 'test' script at the package level. At the root level, it will run all 'test' scripts in subsequent packages (all component packages) If a combound test report is desired, please run the below command at the root level.

yarn test-all

The above commands will assume all subsequent packages have a test script defined


If wanting to clean all build packages, run the below from the root directory

yarn clean

If wanting to clean all dependencies, run the below from the root directory

yarn cleand

Documenting Code/Components

To document your vue components, please read the guide from Vue-styleguidist. To build your documentation server, from the root directory run:

yarn styleguide

Right now, by default, the document bundle is launched into a dev-server. This, of course, can be changed based on preference

Component Development

In the scope of Vue, the following can be developed in this repository but are in no means limited to:

  • Vue Components: Plain old Vue components that just need Vue to run
  • Vue Components Written in TypeScript: Component can use Typescript, vue-class-component, and vue-property-decorator for ease of development and static type checking. When these packages are bundled, they are transpiled to to plain old JavaScript =)
  • Vuex module registration: If components require shared application state, see Dynamic Module Registration
  • Vue Plugins: Write a plugin package. For more information on this, please see Plugins Guide

It's important to note that packages can also have peer dependencies on libraries they depend on, but must be installed by the consuming app (ex: Vue, Vuex). There are some examples of this inside this repository.

Outside the context of Vue, packages can be just about anything javascript related! These include but are not limited to:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript modules/services/plugins
  • Translation files for i18n
  • React Components (additional configuration required)
  • Angular components (additional configuration required. Please see ng-packagr)


If anyone has any bugfixes, contributions, or an overall suggestion as to how to make this repository better, please don't hesitate to open an issue!