
Functions as API.

MIT License


⚠️ Check out Telefunc, the official successor of Wildcard.

   •  What is Wildcard    •  Wildcard compared to REST and GraphQL    •  Learning Material    •  Usage         •  Getting Started                Basics         •  Authentication         •  Permissions         •  Validation         •  Error Handling                More         •  TypeScript         •  API Documentation         •  Caching         •  SSR         •  Options

What is Wildcard

Wildcard is a JavaScript library to create an API between your Node.js backend and your browser frontend.

With Wildcard, creating an API endpoint is as easy as creating a JavaScript function.

// Node.js server

const { server } = require('@wildcard-api/server');

// We define a `hello` function on the server
server.hello = function(name) {
  return {message: 'Welcome '+name};
// Browser

import { server } from '@wildcard-api/client';

(async () => {
  // Wildcard makes our `hello` function available in the browser
  const {message} = await server.hello('Elisabeth');
  console.log(message); // Prints `Welcome Elisabeth`

That's all Wildcard does: it makes functions, that are defined on your Node.js server, callable in the browser. Nothing more, nothing less.

To retrieve and mutate data, you can direclty use SQL or an ORM.

// Node.js server

const { server } = require('@wildcard-api/server');
const Todo = require('./path/to/your/data/models/Todo');

server.createTodoItem = async function(text) {
  if( !this.user ) {
    // The user is not logged-in. We abort.
    // With Wildcard, you define permissions programmatically
    // which we talk more about in the "Permissions" section.

  // With an ORM:
  const newTodo = new Todo({text, authorId: this.user.id});
  await newTodo.save();

  /* With SQL:
  const db = require('your-favorite-sql-query-builder');
  const [newTodo] = await db.query(
    "INSERT INTO todos VALUES (:text, :authorId);",
    {text, authorId: this.user.id}

  return newTodo;

Wildcard is used in production at many companies, every release is assailed against a heavy suite of automated tests, and issues are fixed promptly. It is financed with the Lsos.



The seamless "drop in and use" nature of Wildcard has enabled Vibescout to accelerate the development of new features, it enables us to quickly prototype new ideas and build out internal dashboards with ease (without the unneeded verbosity of things like GraphQL). The barrier between our server and client is almost nonexistent now- it's really just a function!


We are a web shop and decided to try Wildcard with one of our projects. We were delighted: not only made Wildcard our front-end development simpler and faster but it also allowed us to easily implement features that were previously difficult to implement with the rigid structure of REST and GraphQL. We now use it for all our new Node.js projects and we couldn't be happier. The cherry on the cake: it now supports TypeScript which, for us, makes Wildcard a no-brainer.


Wildcard compared to REST and GraphQL

REST and GraphQL are well-suited tools to create an API that is meant to be used by third-party developers. Facebook's API, for example, is used by ~200k third parties. It is no surprise that Facebook is using (and invented) GraphQL; it enables third-party developers to extensively access Facebook's social graph allowing them to build all kinds of applications. For an API used by many third parties with many diverse uses cases, GraphQL is the right tool.

However, if you want to create a backend API that is meant to be consumed only by your frontend, then you don't need REST nor GraphQL — RPC, such as Wildcard, is enough.

For a large app, you may still want the structure that comes with a RESTful/GraphQL API. But this typically applies only for large companies that develop apps with a large number of developers. "Premature optimization is the root of all evil"; start with RPC as default and later switch to REST or GraphQL when (and only if!) the need arises.

In a nuthsell:    •  Is your API meant to be used by third parties? Use REST or GraphQL.    •  Is your API meant to be used by yourself? Use RPC.


Getting Started

  1. Install Wildcard.

    With Express:

    const express = require('express');
    // npm install @wildcard-api/server
    const { wildcard } = require('@wildcard-api/server/express');
    const app = express();
    // We install the Wildcard middleware
    // `setContext` is called on every API request. It defines the `context` object.
    // `req` is Express' request object
    async function setContext(req) {
      const context = {};
      // Authentication middlewares usually make user information available at `req.user`.
      context.user = req.user;
      return context;
    const Hapi = require('hapi');
    // npm install @wildcard-api/server
    const { wildcard } = require('@wildcard-api/server/hapi');
    const server = Hapi.Server();
    // We install the Wildcard middleware
    await server.register(wildcard(setContext));
    // `setContext` is called on every API request. It defines the `context` object.
    // `request` is Hapi's request object
    async function setContext(request) {
      const context = {};
      // Authentication plugins usually make user information
      // available at `request.auth.credentials`.
      context.user = request.auth.isAuthenticated ? request.auth.credentials : null;
      return context;
    const Koa = require('koa');
    // npm install @wildcard-api/server
    const { wildcard } = require('@wildcard-api/server/koa');
    const app = new Koa();
    // We install the Wildcard middleware
    // `setContext` is called on every API request. It defines the `context` object.
    async function setContext(ctx) {
      const context = {};
      // Authentication middlewares often make user information available at `ctx.state.user`.
      context.user = ctx.state.user;
      return context;

    Wildcard provides a getApiHttpResponse() function which returns the HTTP response of API requests; by using getApiHttpResponse() you can integrate Wildcard with any server framework. In fact, the Express/Koa/Hapi middlewares are just tiny wrappers around getApiHttpResponse().

    // This is generic pseudo code for how to integrate Wildcard with any server framework.
    // npm install @wildcard-api/server
    const { getApiHttpResponse } = require('@wildcard-api/server');
    // A server framework usually provides a way to add a route and define an HTTP response.
    const { addRoute, HttpResponse } = require('your-favorite-server-framework');
    // Add a new route `/_wildcard_api/*` to your server
      // A server framework usually provides an object holding
      // information about the request. We denote this object `req`.
      async ({req}) => {
        // The context object is available to endpoint functions as `this`.
        const context = {
          user: req.user, // Information about the logged-in user.
        const {
          url, // The HTTP request url (or pathname)
          method, // The HTTP request method (`GET`, `POST`, etc.)
          body, // The HTTP request body
        } = req;
        const responseProps = await getApiHttpResponse({url, method, body}, context);
        const {body, statusCode, contentType} = responseProps;
        const response = new HttpResponse({body, statusCode, contentType});
        return response;
  2. Define an endpoint function myFirstEndpoint in a file called endpoints.js.

    // Node.js server
    const { server } = require('@wildcard-api/server');
    server.myFirstEndpoint = async function () {
      // The `this` object is the `context` object we defined in `setContext`.
      console.log('The logged-in user is: ', this.user.username);
      return {msg: 'Hello, from my first Wildcard endpoint'};

    ℹ️ Wildcard automatically loads files named endpoints.js or *.endpoints.js.

  3. Use the @wildcard-api/client package to remotely call enpdoint.myFirstEndpoint from the browser.

    // Browser
    // npm install @wildcard-api/client
    import { server } from '@wildcard-api/client';
    (async () => {
      const {msg} = await server.myFirstEndpoint();
    <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/@wildcard-api/client/wildcard-client.production.min.js"></script>
    <script src="my-script-using-wildcard.js"></script>
    // my-script-using-wildcard.js
    (async () => {
      const {msg} = await wildcard.server.myFirstEndpoint();

That's it.


Use the context object to authenticate requests. For example:

// Node.js server

const express = require('express');
const { wildcard } = require('@wildcard-api/server/express');

const app = express();

// We install the Wildcard middleware

async function setContext(
  // The `req` Express request object.
  ) {

  const context = {};

  // Express authentication middlewares usually make information
  // about the logged-in user available at `req.user`.
  context.user = req.user;

  // We add login and logout functions to the context object.
  // That way we make them available to our endpoint functions.
  context.login = req.auth.login;
  context.logout = req.auth.logout;

  return context;

The context object is available to endpoint functions as this.

// Node.js server

const { server } = require('@wildcard-api/server');

server.whoAmI = async function() {
  const {user} = this;
  return user.name;

server.login = async function(username, password) {
  const user = await this.login(username, password);
  return user;

server.logout = async function() {
  await this.logout();

For SSR, read SSR & Authentication.


With Wildcard, permissions are defined programmatically.

// Node.js server

server.deletePost = async function(){
  // Only admins are allowed to remove a post
  if( !user.isAdmin ) {
    // The user is not an admin — we abort.

  // ...

It is crucial to define permissions; never do something like this:

// Node.js server

const db = require('your-favorite-sql-query-builder');

server.executeQuery = async function(query) {
  const result = await db.run(query);
  return result;

That's a bad idea since anyone can go to your website, open the browser's web dev console, and call your endpoint.

// Browser

const users = await server.executeQuery('SELECT login, password FROM users;');
users.forEach(({login, password}) => {
  // W00t I have all passwords 。^‿^。
  console.log(login, password);

Instead, you should define permissions, for example:

// Node.js server

// This endpoint allows a to-do item's text to be modified only by its author.

server.updateTodoText = async function(todoId, newText) {
  // The user is not logged in — we abort.
  if( !this.user ) return;

  const todo = await db.getTodo(todoId);
  // There is no to-do item in the database with the ID `todoId` — we abort.
  if( !todo ) return;

  // The user is not the author of the to-do item — we abort.
  if( todo.authorId !== this.user.id ) return;

  // The user is logged-in and is the author of the todo — we proceed.
  await db.updateTodoText(todoId, newText);

You may wonder why we return undefined when aborting.

// Node.js server

if( !this.user ){
  // Why do we return `undefined`?
  // Why don't we return something like `return {error: 'Permission denied'};`?

The reason is simple: when we develop the frontend we know what is allowed and we can develop the frontend to always call endpoints in an authorized way; the return; sole goal are to protect our server from unsafe requests and there is no need to return information.

That said, there are exceptions, for example:

// When the user is not logged in, the frontend redirects the user to the login page.

server.getTodoList = async function() {
  const isLoggedOut = !this.user;
  if( isLoggedOut ) {
    // Instead of returning `undefined` we return `{isNotLoggedIn: true}` so that
    // the frontend knows that the user should be redirected to the login page.
    return {isNotLoggedIn: true};
  // ...

In any case, as long as you protect your endpoints from unsafe requests, you can do whatever works for you.


You shouldn't throw exceptions upon validation failures, instead return an object containing the validation failure reason.

// Node.js server

const { server } = require('@wildcard-api/server');
const isStrongPassword = require('./path/to/isStrongPassword');

server.createAccount = async function({email, password}) {
  if( !isStrongPassword(password) ){
    /* Don't deliberately throw exceptions
    throw new Error("Password is too weak.");
    // Return a value instead:
    return {validationError: "Password is too weak."};

  // ..

Error Handling

Calling an endpoint throws an error if and only if:

  • the browser couldn't connect to the server (isConnectionError), or
  • the endpoint threw an error or doesn't exist (isCodeError).

The client-side thrown error has the properties isCodeError and isConnectionError enabling you to handle errors with precision, for example:

// Browser

import { server } from '@wildcard-api/client';

(async () => {
  let data, err;
  try {
    data = await server.getSomeData();
  } catch(_err) {
    err = _err;

  if( err.isCodeError ){
    // The endpoint function threw an uncaught error (there is a bug in your server code)
      'Something went wrong on our side. We have been notified and we are working on a fix.' +
      'Sorry... Please try again later.'
  if( err.isConnectionError ){
    // The browser couldn't connect to the server; the user is offline or the server is down.
    alert("We couldn't perform your request. Please try again.");

  if( err ) {
    return {success: false};
  } else {
    return {success: true, data};

You can also use Handli which will automatically and gracefully handle errors for you.

// Browser

import 'handli'; // npm install handli
// That's it, Wildcard will automatically use Handli.
// Errors are now handled by Handli.


You can use your backend types on the frontend by using TypeScript's typeof.

// /examples/typescript/endpoints.ts

import { server as _server, FrontendType } from "@wildcard-api/server";
import { Context } from "./context";

interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  id: number;

const persons: Array<Person> = [
  { firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith", id: 0 },
  { firstName: "Alice", lastName: "Graham", id: 1 },
  { firstName: "Harry", lastName: "Thompson", id: 2 },

async function getPerson(this: Context, id: number) {
  if (!this.isLoggedIn) return null;
  return persons.find((person) => person.id === id) || null;

const server = {
export type Server = FrontendType<typeof server, Context>;

Object.assign(_server, server);
// /examples/typescript/client/index.ts

import "babel-polyfill";
import { Server } from "../endpoints";
import { server as serverUntyped } from "@wildcard-api/client";

const server = serverUntyped as Server;

(async () => {
  const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
  const person = await server.getPerson(id);
  if (person === null) {
    document.body.innerHTML = "Could not retrieve person";
  } else {
    const personHtml =
      person.firstName + " " + person.lastName + " <b>(" + person.id + ")</b>";
    document.body.innerHTML = personHtml;

TypeScript usage examples:

API Documentation

API browsing tools such as OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) makes sense for an API that is meant to be used by third-party developers who don't have access to your source code.

A Wildcard API is meant to be used by your own developers; instead of using OpenAPI, you can give your frontend developers access to your backend code and save all endpoints in files named endpoints.js. That way, a frontend developer can explore your API.

For improved developer experience, you can use Wildcard with TypeScript to make type hints available on the frontend. A frontend developer can then explore your Wildcard API directly in his IDE!


Wildcard automatically caches your endpoint results by using the HTTP ETag header. You can disable caching by using the disableCache option.


The Wildcard client is isomorphic (aka universal) and works in the browser as well as in Node.js.

If you don't need authentication, then SSR works out of the box. If you do, then read SSR & Authentication.


All options with their default value:

// Browser (or Node.js)

import { config } from '@wildcard-api/client';

// The URL of the Node.js server that serves the API
config.serverUrl = null;

// The base URL of Wildcard HTTP requests
config.baseUrl = '/_wildcard_api/';

// Whether the endpoint arguments are always passed in the HTTP body
config.shortUrl = false;
// Node.js

import { config } from '@wildcard-api/server';

// Whether Wildcard generates an ETag header.
config.disableCache = false;

// The base URL of Wildcard HTTP requests
config.baseUrl = '/_wildcard_api/';


You usually don't need to provide any serverUrl. But if your API and your browser-side assets are not served by the same server, then you need to provide a serverUrl.

serverUrl can be one of the following:

  • null. (Default value.)
  • The URL of the server, for example http://localhost:3333/api or https://api.example.org.
  • The IP address of the server, for example

When serverUrl is null, the Wildcard client uses window.location.origin as server URL.

import { server, config } from '@wildcard-api/client';
import assert from 'assert';

config.serverUrl = 'https://api.example.com:1337';


async function callEndpoint() {
  await server.myEndpoint();

  // Normally, Wildcard would make an HTTP request to the same origin:
  //   POST https://example.com/_wildcard_api/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1

  // But because we have set `serverUrl`, Wildcard makes
  // the HTTP request to `https://api.example.com:1337` instead:
  //   POST https://api.example.com:1337/_wildcard_api/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1


By default, the pathname of any HTTP request that Wildcard makes starts with /_willdcard_api/. You can change this base URL by using the baseUrl option.

import { server, config } from '@wildcard-api/client';
import assert from 'assert';

config.baseUrl = '/_my_custom_api_base_url/';


async function callEndpoint() {
  await server.myEndpoint();

  // Normally, Wildcard would make an HTTP request to `/_wildcard_api/`:
  //   POST https://example.com/_wildcard_api/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1

  // But because we have changed `baseUrl`, Wildcard makes
  // the HTTP request to `/_my_custom_api_base_url/` instead:
  //   POST https://example.com/_my_custom_api_base_url/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1

If you change the baseUrl option of your Wildcard client, then make sure that the baseUrl of your Wildcard server is the same:

import { config } from '@wildcard-api/server';

config.baseUrl = '/_my_custom_api_base_url/';


The shortUrl option is about configuring whether arguments are always passed in the HTTP request body. (Instead of being passed in the HTTP request URL.)

import { server, config } from '@wildcard-api/client';

config.shortUrl = true; // Default value is `false`


async function callEndpoint() {
  await server.myEndpoint({some: 'arguments' }, 'second arg');

  // Normally, Wildcard would pass the arguments in the HTTP request URL:
  //   POST /_wildcard_api/myEndpoint/[{"some":"arguments"},"second arg"] HTTP/1.1

  // But because we have set `shortUrl` to `true`,
  // Wildcard passes the arguments in the HTTP request body instead:
  //   POST /_wildcard_api/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1
  //   Request payload: [{"some":"arguments"},"second arg"]


By default Wildcard generates an HTTP ETag cache header. If you need to save CPU computation time, you can set disableCache to true and Wildcard will skip generating HTTP ETag headers.

import wildcardServer from '@wildcard-api/server';

wildcardServer.disableCache = true;

Learning Material

Material to learn more about RPC and Wildcard.

  • What is RPC

    Explains what RPC is.
  • FAQ

    FAQ about RPC.
    Covers high-level questions such as "Which is more powerful, GraphQL or RPC?"
    as well as low-level questions such as
    "How can I do versioning with RPC?" or
    "Doesn't RPC tightly couple frontend with backend?".
  • What is the difference between REST and RPC?

    This post explains what REST, RPC, and RPC-like means.