
Get YouTube Premium in your browser totally free

OTHER License


YouTube Premium Free

In the era of relentless digital advertising, we're tired of being bombarded with ads while Google profits from our personal data. The algorithm feeds on our information to serve us targeted ads, enriching itself at our expense. It's time to take back control.

YouTubePremiumFree is a userscript designed to liberate you from intrusive ads and unwanted commercial interruptions on YouTube.


  • AdBlocker: Eliminate all forms of advertisements, ensuring an uninterrupted viewing experience
  • Premium Title
  • Premium Logo
  • Download videos and music
  • Offline mode: Play downloaded videos or music anytime, offline, anywhere, right inside YouTube
  • Premium resolution: Automcatically switches to HD Premium resolution, first select your resolution
  • Pop-ups blocker


  1. Install Tampermonkey: If you haven't already, you need to install the Tampermonkey browser extension. You can find it for various browsers:

  2. Install the Script: Click here and press install.

  3. Enable the Script: Enable the script by clicking the switch next to the script name in the Tampermonkey Dashboard.

Feel free fees and ads, enjoy your YouTube!