
Add [[wikilinks]] support for jekyll.

GPL-3.0 License



⚠️ As of v0.0.13, this plugin has moved to jekyll-wikirefs

Jekyll-Wikilinks adds wikilinking (the ability to reference local documents via the double square bracket syntax -- [[like this]]) support to jekyll -- and more.

This gem works in conjunction with jekyll-graph.

This gem is part of the jekyll-bonsai project. 🎋


Follow the instructions for installing a jekyll plugin for jekyll-wikilinks.


Defaults look like this:

    enabled: true
    exclude: []
      typed: 'typed'
      wiki: 'wiki-link'
      web: 'web-link'
      invalid_wiki: 'invalid-wiki-link'
      embed_container: 'embed-container'
      embed_title: 'embed-title'
      embed_content: 'embed-content'
      embed_link: 'embed-wiki-link'
      embed_image_container: 'embed-image-container'
      embed_image: 'embed-image'
  enabled: true
  exclude: []

attributes: Toggles on/off attributes and block level wikilinks. If turned off the attributes meta data will not be added to each document and block level wikilinks will not be removed from the content of the document.

css_names: Customiztable css class names.

css.exclude: Defines a list of css classes that should not have the wiki or web css classes added to it.

  • This is useful when there are other internal links that should not have the web-link css class added to it. For example, kramdown adds footnote and reversefootnote css classes to a elements that are footnotes. Since they are links internal to the site, they won't have wiki-links added to them, but it is likely undesirable to have web-link added to these elements. This makes them good candidates to exclude from the plugin's css processing altogether and style those classes separately.

enabled: Toggle to turn off the plugin or turn off.

exclude: Any jekyll type (pages, posts, or collections by name) may be added to a list of excluded documents to not be processed by the jekyll-wikilinks plugin.


Inline Untyped File Level Wikilinks


This link will match a markdown document anywhere in the jekyll project so long as it is named Filenames must be unique, whitespace is allowed, and case is ignored. The file's title frontmatter attribute is what gets rendered a the a tag's inner text.

Resulting HTML:

<a class="wiki-link" href="url">lower-cased frontmatter title attribute</a>

Inline Typed File Level Wikilinks


Types should not contain whitespace. (kabob-case is recommended, but snake_case and camelCase will work too)

These wikilinks rendered in-place like untyped wikilinks. They also add a typed css class, as well as a css class with the name of the given link type.

Resulting HTML:

<a class="wiki-link typed link_type" href="url">lower-cased frontmatter title attribute</a>

Block (Typed) Wikilinks

Also called a document's attributes, block wikilinks are typed wikilinks that are the only text on a single line:


Some more text.

Lists are also supported and may be defined by comma-separation or markdown lists (make sure bullet type matches for all items; e.g. all items use +'s, -'s or *'s):

link_type::[[file-1]], [[file-2]], [[file-3]]

- [[file-1]]
- [[file-2]]
- [[file-3]]

+ [[file-1]]
+ [[file-2]]
+ [[file-3]]

* [[file-1]]
* [[file-2]]
* [[file-3]]

These wikilinks are removed from the file entirely and their corresponding document urls and link types are saved in the attributes frontmatter variable of the current document and the attributed frontmatter variable of the linked documents.

The removal of these wikilink types is useful in the scenario where creating some form of infobox that is separate from the file's main content is desired.

Block wikilinks only work on the file-level and do not support labels or embedding. They may be toggled off in the configuration by setting:

    enabled: false

Header Level Wikilinks


This link will search for a file named and link to its # header if it has one. If no such header exists, the resulting a tag will be rendered with the invalid-wiki-link css class.

Resulting HTML:

<a class="wiki-link" href="url#sluggified-header-id">lower-cased frontmatter title > header</a>

Block Level Wikilinks


Resulting HTML:

<a class="wiki-link" href="url#block_id">lower-cased title > ^block_id</a>
  • Make sure the ^block_id in the target document has a space before the caret ^.
    • ^block_ids themselves are left untouched so there is a way visually to identify the block once on the page's document.
    • Blocks are treated the same way as headers, which is to say the block_id is appended as a url fragment (e.g. With this url fragment, auto-scrolling to the corresponding html element id can be enabled. You will have to manually create those html elment ids yourself for now.

File Paths

⚠️ TODO: Unique filenames are still expected. This will change eventually.


File paths may be added to a link to point to a file with more specificity.

  • Absolute paths should start with a forward slash /.
  • ⚠️ TODO: Relative paths should start with a directory name.

File paths only work for inline wikilinks.

Resulting HTML (this will look identical to wikilinks without file paths):

<a class="wiki-link" href="url">file's title</a>

Labels (sometimes called 'aliases')

[[filename|label text]]

When using labels, the text that appears after the | will be rendered in the a tag's inner text instead of the document's title frontmatter.

Labelling works for all wikilink levels (file, header, block).

Resulting HTML:

<a class="wiki-link" href="url">label text</a>



By prepending ! before a wikilink, the file's contents will be embedded in the current document rather than inserting just an a html tag.

Embeds only work for file-level wikilinks (not header or block).

Resulting HTML:

<div class="wiki-link-embed">
  <div class="wiki-link-embed-title">
    // doc title here
  <div class="wiki-link-embed-content">
    // embed content here
  <a class="wiki-link-embed-link" href="url"></a>

Embed Images


Like the embeds above, link content will be rendered in the document body, but for images. Just be sure to add the file extension. Supported formats are .png, .jpg, .gif, .psd, .svg. Image wikilinks are not included in metadata.

Resulting HTML:

  <span class="wiki-link-embed-image">
    <img class="wiki-link-img" src="img_relative_path"/>

An svg's content will be inserted directly into the html, rather than being linked in an img tag. This is useful in case you want to programmatically alter the svg post-render:

Resulting HTML:

  <span class="wiki-link-embed-image">
      // svg file content here

More Syntax

For more note-taking-related syntaxes such as ==highlights== and ~~strikethroughs~~:


The following metadata are stored as frontmatter variables and are accessible in liquid templates:

  • attributed (block backlinks)
  • attributes (block forelinks)
  • backlinks (typed and untyped, file/header/block, back links)
  • forelinks (typed and untyped, file/header/block, 'forward' links)
  • missing (typed and untyped, file/header/block, forelinks that don't correspond to any document)

Block Wikilink (Attribute) Metadata

The attributes and attributed frontmatter variables, which correspond to block wikilinks, are lists of objects with a type attribute for the wikilink type and a list of urls which are strings:

  type: <str>
  urls: [<url_str>]

Example liquid:

<!-- render as 👉 "link-type: title" -->

{% for attr in page.attributed %}
  {{ attr.type }}:
  {% for url in attr.urls %}
      {% assign linked_doc = site.documents | where: "url", attr.url | first %}
      <a class="wiki-link" href="{{ linked_doc.url }}">{{ linked_doc.title }}</a>
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Inline Wikilink Metadata

The forelinks and backlinks frontmatter variables, which correspond to inline wikilinks, is a list of objects with a type attribute for the wikilink type and a url string. (Untyped wikilinks will have an empty attribute: type: ""):

  type: <str>
  url: <url_str>

Example liquid:

<!-- render as 👉 "link-type: title" -->

{% for backlink in page.backlinks %}
  {% assign linked_doc = site.documents | where: "url", backlink.url | first %}
  {{ backlink.type }}: <a class="wiki-link" href="{{ linked_doc.url }}">{{ linked_doc.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

Missing Metadata

missing is simply a list of filenames. filenames for both block level and inline level wikilinks are collected:

- <filename_str>
- ...

Liquid Filters

There are two types of liquid filters provided: One for jekyll document types and one for link (relationship) types.

Say you want to filter by jekyll document type. If you want to display 'post' backlinks and 'note' backlinks separately, just filter the backlinks metadata like so:

<!-- show post backlink titles -->
{% assign post_backlinks = page.backlinks | doc_type: "posts" %}
{% for backlink in post_backlinks %}
  {% assign post = site.posts | where: "url", backlink | first %}
  {{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}

<!-- show note backlink titles -->
{% assign note_backlinks = page.backlinks | doc_type: "notes" %}
{% for backlink in note_backlinks %}
  {% assign note = site.notes | where: "url", backlink | first %}
  {{ note.title }}
{% endfor %}

Say you want to filter by link (relationship) types. If you have markdown like the following:


Then you could filter by the author type like so:

{% assign author_links = page.links | link_type: "author" %}
{% for link in author_links %}
  {% assign post = site.posts | where: "url", link.url | first %}
  {{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}

Some Other Implementations...

...That Are Jekyll-Related

...That Are Wiki-Related