
Post to Tumblr from the command line



Post to Tumblr with static files, like Jekyll


npm install jumbyl -g

Jumbyl is a command-line tool. Installing it globally will add the jumbyl command.


Use these values for the jumbyl application. You can leave all the others blank.


Once you Save changes, you'll need to create a new config file _jumbyl.yml in your local project folder. Set base_hostname and copy the OAuth consumer key and OAuth consumer secret into _jumbyl.yml.

# these keys will not work, copy/paste in your own
base_hostname: your_blog.tumblr.com # or your_blog.com
consumer_key: UveNAMmenYF1Zivd6ahUJWKNy2gHl6PC9lMthT7mwjT8Ujf2NV
consumer_secret: dLfg7DB2ZU5eVx3xyL3DltxtOBchmvQReBIn9HYB3GmXsgYLaQ

Probably a good idea to add _jumbyl.yml to .gitignore.

From the command line, navigate to your local project folder and authorize

jumbyl auth

Once authorized, you can now post to your Tumblr.


To post to Tumblr, specify a file with jumbyl

jumbyl _posts/my-post.md

After successfully posting, jumbyl will add the tumblr post id to the file's YAML Front Matter.

To edit a post, the file will need an id parameter, so you can use the same command.


Parameters for your Tumblr post can be set with YAML Front Matter.

Here's a text post:

title: Favorite Ninja Turtles
tags: [ turtles, ninjas, probably Leonardo ]
format: markdown
+ **Leonardo** duh
+ Sometimes _Raphael_, when's he's not emo

Here's a link post:

title: TMNTPedia
type: link
tags: [ knowledge, wiki ]
url: http://tmnt.wikia.com/
Seriously, get schooled.

The content of the post will be set to the appropriate parameter for the type of post.

Additionally, the format of the post will be read from the post's file extention. Posts that use .markdown .md .mkdn .mdown, will be set as format: 'markdown'.


Jumbyl pairs up nicely with Jekyll.

For link posts, you can use _url in the YAML Front Matter, so it does not conflict with Jekyll's template data like post.url.

title: TMNTPedia
type: link
# _url, so no clonflict with Jekyll's post.url
_url: http://tmnt.wikia.com/
Seriously, get schooled.