
visualize your jenkins tests in nice charts (Ror)



You can also select interactively via browser only specific jobs and axes will scale depending on data.

Bacheca will help to analyze in deep tests. At moment is under development, feel free to contribute at any time.

Feel free to take a look on milestones to see what is planed


Your Jenkins jobs need to export tests_results in junit format, otherwise bacheca cannot fetch results. Currently bacheca support only junit, which is de-facto jenkins-standard.


  1. configure jenkins api
cd bacheca
touch config/credentials_jenkins.yml

here is how it should like the credentials_jenkins.yml

server_url: ''
username: 'somename', 
password: 'secret password'

(As password you can use a jenkins token.)

  1. Choose the jobs for fetching and display data.

There is already a bacheca/config/jobs_jenkins.yml file.

Adapt the array with your jenkins jobs.

an example:

jenkins_jobs: ["manager-3.1-cucumber", "saltstack-cooljobjenkins", "space-job", "bachecajob"]

Ensure that your jenkins user has access to the jobs


You can now run the app with or without docker

Docker setups (reccomended)

You can have a look at the Dockerfile and have bacheca running in container!

docker build -t bacheca .
docker run -it -p 9000:3000 bacheca

Then visit http://localhost:9000/ ! up and runnning!

Without docker

  1. you need to have installed rails.
gem install rails
  1. run cd bacheca and bundle install

  2. Feed and create database schemas with

For the first initialization, you can run manually:

rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
  1. start server with rails server

Database data update

This project is using whenever gem, so you can activate the service for getting new data every hour with: The config file for whenever is in config/schedule.rb

whenever --update-crontab

Whenever is already running in container mode.

  1. run it!
cd bacheca
rails server
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