
Process Jenkins build data and push to ES via logstash

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The es-logger project intends to build a pluggable data processor that will take data from Jenkins builds and push that data into Elasticsearch via Logstash. Overview slides are available on slideshare in Pipeline Analytics

Installation and Running

Install the framework using:

python ./ install

Install from source for developing using:

python ./ develop

Install from pypi repository with:

pip install es-logger

After that, set environment variables needed, and just execute es-logger!

Jenkins Connection

  • JENKINS_URL - Used to prefix the location to gather Jenkins data from using the
    python-jenkins library
  • JENKINS_USER - Username to access Jenkins
  • JENKINS_PASSWORD - Password to access Jenkins. Can also be an API key

Job Information

  • ES_JOB_NAME - The full job name with all paths, added to the JENKINS_URL
  • ES_BUILD_NUMBER - The build number to collect data for


  • PROCESS_CONSOLE_LOGS - Console log processor plugins to run, space separated list
  • GATHER_BUILD_DATA - Build data gatherer plugins to run, space separated list
  • GENERATE_EVENTS - Event generator plugins to run, space separated list


The plugin infrastructure is provided by the stevedore library.

There are following types of plugin supported:

Console Log Processors

These plugins will have a process function called that is passed the full console log of the job. It can perform any actions desirable, and shall return data, which will be added to the es_info['console_log_plugins'][plugin_name] structure that is pushed to logstash. A list or a dict is preferred as a return type.

Build Data Gatherers

These plugins will have a gather function that is passed the EsCollector object. This should provide any data needed for the plugin to gather any additional data that should be added to the es_info. This could include test results from an external system not available to Jenkins, parsed logs from an external piece of hardware, etc.

The return should be a dictionary, which will be added to the es_info['build_data'][plugin_name] structure that is pushed to logstash.

Event Targets

Once the data is collected by Es-Logger and constructed into a series of events, these events need to be sent to a target. A target is any location that will accept json structured events.

Logstash Target

The logstash target

  • LOGSTASH_SERVER - HTTP server configured to receive json messages, as per the sample
  • LS_USER - User to connect to Logstash with
  • LS_PASSWORD - Password to connect to Logstash with

AWS SQS Target

Event Generators

An event generator is intended to process the Jenkins information and generate a number of events based off that data. This allows for the creation of unique events per-host or per-test if the Jenkins job operates on multiple resources. The structures returned are expected to be very small, so surfacing data points to form the basis of visualisations. A small number of default fields will be added by the main program to identify the origination of the data, and the event data will become contained in a top-level key named after the plugin.

The return from the generator should be a list of events that will be posted to logstash

Example Execution

Here is a sample execution of es-logger against a public Jenkins repo.

It uses the public Jenkins that Mono Project builds code upon at

export ES_JOB_NAME=test-mono-mainline-linux
export GENERATE_EVENTS="junit commit"
ES_BUILD_NUMBER=5308/label=debian-9-amd64 es-logger --no-post -c 100

Each execution can get a single jobs data. To iterate over many, a simple bash loop can suffice, or you can import es-logger into a python script and use it directly, similarly to how it is used in es_logger/

for i in $(seq 110 116)
    ES_BUILD_NUMBER=${i} es-logger --no-post -c 100
usage: es-logger [-h] [--no-dump | --no-post] [-c CONSOLE_LENGTH] [-e] [-p]
                 [-t TARGET] [--debug]

Read data from a completed Jenkins job and push it to a logstash instance.

Behaviour is controlled through a number of environment variables as follows:

What data to gather:
    PROCESS_CONSOLE_LOGS    Which ConsoleLogProcessor plugins to use in processing
    GATHER_BUILD_DATA       Which GatherBuildData plugins to use in processing
    GENERATE_EVENTS         Which EventGenerator plugins to use in processing

Where to gather data from:
    JENKINS_URL             The url to access Jenkins at
    JENKINS_USER            The username for Jenkins access
    JENKINS_PASSWORD        The password or API token for Jenkins access

What to gather data from:
    ES_JOB_NAME             The "Full Project Name" style job name for the job to process
    ES_BUILD_NUMBER         The build number for the job to process

Target Variables:

Logstash Target Environment Variables:
    LOGSTASH_SERVER         The server to send events to
    LS_USER                 The user for logstash access
    LS_PASSWORD             The password for logstash access

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-dump             Do not dump events to the console
  --no-post             Do not post events to any targets
  -c CONSOLE_LENGTH, --console-length CONSOLE_LENGTH
                        Restrict the console length in the event to this
                        number of characters
  -e, --events-only     Do not dump or post the main job event, only events
                        from EventGenerator plugins
  -p, --list-plugins    List all plugins available
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        A target to send events to
  --debug               Print debug logs to console during execution
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