
Scan your projects for vulnerabilities with Jenkins. This plugin is officially maintained by Sec1.

OTHER License


Sec1 Security


Sec1 Security plugin help developers/teams to scan their SCM for open source vulnerabilities against Sec1 Security DB


To use the plugin up you will need to take the following steps in order:

  1. Install the Sec1 Security Plugin
  2. Configure a Sec1 API Token Credential
  3. Add Sec1 Security to your Project

1. Install the SEC1 Security Plugin

  • Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "System Configuration" > "Plugins".
  • Search for "Sec1 Security" under "Available plugins".
  • Install the plugin.

Custom API Endpoints

By default, Sec1 uses the endpoint. It is possible to configure Sec1 to use a different endpoint by changing the SEC1_INSTANCE_URL environment variable:

  • Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "System Configuration" -> "System"
  • Under "Global properties" check the "Environment variables" option
  • Click "Add"
  • Set the name to SEC1_INSTANCE_URL and the value to the custom endpoint

2. Configure a Sec1 API Token Credential

  • Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Security" > "Credentials"
  • Choose a Store
  • Choose a Domain
  • Go to "Add Credentials"
  • Select "Secret text"
  • Add <YOUR_SEC1_API_KEY_ID> as ID and Configure the Credentials.
  • Remember the "ID" as you'll need it when configuring the build step.

To get Sec1 Api Key navigate to Scopy > "Login with GitHub" > "Settings"

  • In "API key" section, click on "Generate API key"
  • Copy key for use.

3. Add Sec1 Security to your Project

This step will depend on if you're using Freestyle Projects or Pipeline Projects.

Freestyle Projects

  • Select a project
  • Go to "Configure"
  • Under "Build", select "Add build step" select "Execute Sec1 Security Scanner"
  • Configure as needed. Click the "?" icons for more information about each option.

Pipeline Projects

Use the sec1Security step as part of your pipeline script. You can use the "Snippet Generator" to generate the code from a web form and copy it into your pipeline.

pipeline {
  agent any

  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        echo 'Building...'
    stage('Sec1 Security') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sec1Security (
                        scanFileLocation: "${WORKSPACE}", // this is the location of you scm checkout directory. if not configured don't change it.
                        apiCredentialsId: "<Your Sec1 Api Key ID>", 
                        applyThreshold: true,
                        actionOnThresholdBreached: "unstable",
                        threshold: [criticalThreshold: '0', highThreshold: '0']
    stage('Deploy') {
      steps {
        echo 'Deploying...'

scanFileLocation (required, default: ${WORKSPACE})

Location where scm checkout is done. Default is ${WORKSPACE} of build job.

Scan will fill if you dont provide this value.

apiCredentialsId (optional, default: none)

Sec1 Api Key Credential ID. As configured in "2. Configure a Sec1 API Token Credential".

applyThreshold (optional, default: false)

Whether vulnerability threshold needs to be applied on the build.

threshold (optional, default: false)

Threshold values for each type of vulerability. e.g. configuration: [criticalThreshold: '0', highThreshold: '10', mediumThreshold: '0', lowThreshold: '0']

If scan reports gives more vulnerabilities than configured threshold for the respective type of vulnerability then error will be shown in console and build status will be modified based on actionOnThresholdBreached value.

actionOnThresholdBreached (optional, default: fail)

The action which needs to be taken on build if vulnerability threshold is breached. Possible values: fail, unstable, continue


To see more information on your steps:

  • View the "Console Output" for a specific build.

-- Sec1 team