
InsightAppSec Jenkins Plugin

MIT License


Rapid7 InsightAppSec Jenkins Plugin

Welcome to the Rapid7 InsightAppSec Jenkins Plugin.

More information about Rapid7 InsightAppSec can be found here:


To use the plugin you will need

  • A user account on the Insight Platform with Read Write or Admin access.
    • Note that free trial users are unable to start a scan via the API and so may not use the plugin.
  • Access to InsightAppSec.


The plugin may be installed using the plugin manager. For more information see

Additionally the plugin can be installed by manually building the hpi file and uploading to your Jenkins installation.


Freestyle Project

The plugin may be used as a build step of a freestyle project.

To enabled the plugin:

  • Using the Add build step dropdown of a freestyle project, select Scan using InsightAppSec.

You will then be presented with the plugin configuration pane. The configuration options are as follows:

  • Data Storage Region [required]

    • The data storage region of the target InsightAppSec instance.
  • Insight API Key [required]

    • The Insight API Key you wish to use for scanning.
    • More info on Jenkins managed Insight API Keys can be found below.
  • App [required]

    • The app containing the Scan Config you wish to scan.

    • Provided the region and api key are compatible, a list of Apps that the api key has access to will pre-populate in the drop-down.

      • This may take some seconds to load.
  • Scan Config [required]

    • The existing Scan Config you wish to scan.

    • Provided the region and api key are compatible, as well as having previously selected an App, the Scan Configs belonging to the selected App will pre-populate in the drop-down.

      • This may take some seconds to load.
  • Advance build when [required]

    • This configuration option can be used to augment how the build advances based on the status of the scan submitted.

    • There are four options to choose from:

      • Scan has been submitted
        • Advance the build when the scan has been submitted successfully.
      • Scan has been started
        • Advance the build when the scan has been started successfully.
      • Scan has been completed
        • Advance the build when the scan has been completed successfully.
      • Vulnerability query has returned no vulnerabilities
        • Advance the build when the scan has been completed and the vulnerability search query has returned no vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability query [optional]

    • An InsightAppSec search query may be supplied to search vulnerabilities found by the scan.

    • For example, if you wish to fail the build when high severity vulnerabilities have been found, use: vulnerability.severity='HIGH'.

    • The query supplied will automatically be scoped to the scan.

    • For more information on vulnerability search queries, consult the InsightAppSec API search documentation here.

    • If left blank, the build will fail when any vulnerabilities have been found in the scan.

    • ⚠️ Ignored unless Vulnerability results query has returned no vulnerabilities has been selected as build advance option.

  • Max scan pending duration [optional]

    • A max scan pending duration may be provided so that the length of time the CI process takes to provide feedback can be controlled.

      • The duration will take affect when the scan has been submitted.

      • Upon reaching the duration, the scan will be cancelled and the build will fail.

      • The following format must be used for defining a duration:

      • 0d 5h 30m 
        • (d) - Days
        • (h) - Hours
        • (m) - Minutes
      • A quantity must be supplied for each of the above. e.g.

        • 1 day: 1d 0h 0m
        • 5 hours: 0d 5h 0m
        • 3 hours, 30 minutes: 0d 3h 30m
    • ⚠️ Ignored if Scan has been submitted has been selected as build advance option.

  • Max scan execution duration [optional]

    • A max scan execution duration may be provided so that the length of time the CI process takes to provide feedback can be controlled.

      • The duration will take affect when the scan moves into scanning state.

      • Upon reaching the duration, the in-progress scan will be stopped and the build will advance as normal.

      • The format is same as above.

    • ⚠️ Ignored if Scan has been submitted or Scan has been started has been selected as build advance option.

  • Enable scan results [optional]

    • Disabled by default

    • Flag to indicate if scan results should be viewable when a build has finished.

    • When enabled, a new action will be provided to view scan results, labeled 'InsightAppSec Scan Results'.

    • Note: All users with access to view the build job history will be able to view InsightAppSec scan results.

    • ⚠️ Ignored if Scan has been submitted or Scan has been started has been selected as build advance option.


The plugin may be used as part of a pipeline.

The following configuration options may be used

Field Valid Values Required
region US // united states EU // europe AU // australia CA // canada AP // japan true
insightCredentialsId < your credentials id > true
scanConfigId < your scan config id> true
vulnerabilityQuery A valid vulnerability search query false
maxScanPendingDuration A duration string in the format described above false
maxScanExecutionDuration A duration string in the format described above false
enableScanResults true false false


Minimal configuration:

insightAppSec region: 'US', insightCredentialsId: 'My ID', scanConfigId: 'f5984f53-2399-47e2-a6b9-010933cbc440', buildAdvanceIndicator: VULNERABILITY_QUERY

Full configuration:

insightAppSec region: 'US', insightCredentialsId: 'My ID', scanConfigId: 'f5984f53-2399-47e2-a6b9-010933cbc440', buildAdvanceIndicator: VULNERABILITY_QUERY, vulnerabilityQuery: 'vulnerability.severity=\'HIGH\'', maxScanPendingDuration: '0d 0h 10m', maxScanExecutionDuration: '0d 10h 0m', enableScanResults: true

Using Jenkins managed Insight API Key

This plugin provides a new type of managed jenkins credential; Insight API Key. A credential can be added in two ways:

  • During build configuration

    • Use the Add button next to Insight API Key field to open the credentials modal.
  • Using the credentials manager

    • From the Jenkins homepage, select Credentials.
    • Select the desired scope, global is appropriate.
    • Click Add Credentials.

Select Insight API Key as the kind, then provide:

  • Name (A friendly name to refer to these credentials. For example, "Bob's API Key").
  • Insight API Key (API Key to connect to the Insight Platform).
    • Instructions for creating one can be found here.

Note: When using the credentials manager there is a known UI issue that blocks the API Key field with OK button, resize the page to fix the rendering.


To run the plugin locally, cd to the root directory and invoke:

mvn hpi:run

When the output shows INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running navigate to http://localhost:8080/jenkins/ and you will see the sandbox jenkins homepage.

See also



  • Upgrade to the most recent Jenkins LTS version. Update 3rd party libraries.


  • Fix a bug with the vulnerability search results filter that meant incorrect results could be returned


  • Added US2 and US3 regions, added user agent


  • Fix an issue that may cause requests to hang on to the connection


  • Add support for proxy configuration


  • Initial Release