
A toolkit to process NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH data.

MIT License



A toolkit to process NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH data for academic research.


Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH (β€œTotalView”) is a data feed used by professional traders to maintain a real-time view of market conditions. TotalView disseminates all quote and order activity for securities traded on the Nasdaq exchangeβ€”several billion messages per dayβ€”allowing users to reconstruct the limit order book for any security up to arbitrary depth with nanosecond precision. It is a unique data source for financial economists and engineers examining topics such as information flows through lit exchanges, optimal trading strategies, and the development of macro-level indicators from micro-level signals (e.g., a market turbulence warning).

While TotalView data is provided at no charge to academic researchers via the Historical TotalView-ITCH offering, the historical data offering uses a binary file specification that poses challenges for researchers. TotalViewITCH.jl is a pure Julia package developed to efficiently process historical data files for academic research purposes. The package consists of: (1) a core module to parse Historical TotalView binary file format messages (i.e., deserialization), (2) a module to reconstruct limit order books from parsed messages, and (3) a module to store processed data into a research-friendly format.

Getting Started


The package is not yet part of the general registry. You can install it from GitHub instead:


Basic Usage

Usage is straightforward:

using TotalViewITCH: Parser, FileSystem, find
using Dates

parser = Parser{FileSystem}("./data/test")
parser("./data/bin/S031413-v41.txt", Date("2013-03-14"), ["A"], 4.1)

This example parses a raw ITCH file, S031213-v41.txt, which happens to have v4.1 formatting, and stores the extracted data (message, orderbooks, etc.) to CSV files in ./data/test. To process multiple tickers, simply add additional tickers to the list:

parser("./data/bin/S031413-v41.txt", Date("2013-03-14"), ["A", "APPL"], 4.1)

Processing of multiple files (i.e., dates) should be performed with multiple processes or, better yet, using multiple jobs on a high-performance computing cluster.

The processed data can be loaded using your favorite data processing tools (e.g., DataFrames.jl). For convenience, TotalViewITCHh provices a find method to pull all data associated with a ticker-date pair:

df = find(parser.backend, "messages", "A", Date("2013-03-14"))

This method isn't recommended for large-scale analysis, but works fine for exploring single ticker-dates.

[!TIP] For large-scale analyses, its recommended to convert the processed data to the Apache Parquet format and use tools such as Apache Spark.


TotalViewITCH.jl aims to support a variety data storage options via Backends. A backend is a struct that knows how to read and write ITCH data stored in a particular format. The currently supported backends are FileSystem and MongoDB.


The FileSystem backend stores data in CSV format. Output has the following directory structure:

|- messages
   |- ticker=A
      |- date=2013-03-14
         |- partition.csv
|- orderbooks
|- noii
|- trades

This structure is convenient for parallelizing analyses performed at the ticker-date level.


For small to medium sized databases, TotalViewITCH also provides a MongoDB backend. To set up a MongoDB database with Docker, run the following command in a terminal:

docker run -p 27017:27017 --volume path/to/data/db:/data/db mongo:latest

This command exposes the database to your local machine on port 27017. Now you can populate the database in Julia:

using TotalViewITCH: Parser, MongoDB
backend = MongoDB("mongodb://localhost:27017", "test")
parser = Parser{MongoDB}(backend)
parser("./data/bin/S031413-v41.txt", Date("2013-03-14"), ["A"], 4.1)


Coming soon 🦺 🚧 πŸ”¨


Coming soon 🦺 🚧 πŸ”¨


The default parsing method creates four tables/collections:

  • messages: messages that reflect order book updates,
  • orderbooks: order book snapshots following each message,
  • noii: net order imbalance indicator messages,
  • trades: messages that indicate trades involving non-displayed orders,

All records are stored in ascending temporal order, and all data is stored without modification, i.e., all fields adhere to the format described in the relevant TotalView specification.


Each row of the messages table indicates an update to the order book. The types of updates are:

  • Add (A or F)
  • Cancel (X)
  • Delete (D)
  • Replace (U)
  • Execute (E or C)

Note that replace orders are not split into their constituent add and delete orders in the database.

Field Type Description Required? Default
date Date The file date (YYYY-MM-DD). βœ“
sec Int The number of seconds since midnight. βœ“
nano Int The number of nanoseconds since the most recent second. βœ“
type Char The message type symbol as defined in TotalView specification. βœ“
ticker String The stock ticker associated with the message. βœ“
side Char The side of the order book affected by the message (B or S). βœ“
price Int The price associated with an order update. βœ“
refno Int A day-unique reference number associated with an original limit order. βœ“
newrefno Int A day-unique reference number associated with a new limit order. Missing
mpid String An optional market participant identifier. Missing


Each row the orderbooks table represents a snapshot of the order book associated with an order book update. That is, the n-th row of the orderbooks table represents the state of the order book immediately following the update indicated by the n-th row of the messages table. The exact fields available depend on the number of levels of levels tracked during parsing, N. For a given N, prices and shares are recorded in order from best to worst offer for bids and asks, respectively.

Field Type Description Required? Default
date Date The file date (YYYY-MM-DD). βœ“
sec Int The number of seconds since midnight. βœ“
nano Int The number of nanoseconds since the most recent second. βœ“ Missing
bid_price_n Int The offer price of the n-th best bid (N=1,..., N). βœ“ Missing
ask_price_n Int The offer price of the n-th best ask (N=1,..., N). βœ“ Missing
bid_shares_n Int The offer volume at the n-th best bid (N=1,..., N). βœ“ Missing
ask_shares_n Int The offer volume at the n-th best ask (N=1,..., N). βœ“ Missing


Net Order Imbalance Indicator (NOII) messages are disseminated prior to market open and close as well as during quote only periods. The noii collection stores these messages for all tickers in a single file for each date.

Field Type Description Required? Default
date Date The file date (YYYY-MM-DD). βœ“
sec Int The number of seconds since midnight. βœ“
nano Int The number of nanoseconds since the most recent second. βœ“
type Char The cross type: opening (O), close (C) or halted (H). βœ“
ticker String The stock ticker associated with the message. βœ“
paired Int The number of shares matched at the current reference price. βœ“
imbalance Int The number of shares not paired at the current reference price. βœ“
direction Char The side of the imbalance (B, S, N or O). βœ“
far Int A hypothetical clearing price for cross orders only. βœ“
near Int A hypothetical clearing price for cross and continuous orders. βœ“
current Int The price at which the imbalance is calculated. βœ“


Rows of the trades collection reflect two types of trades that are not captured in the order book update: cross and non-cross trades. Non-cross trade messages "provide details for normal match events involving non-displayable order type"β€”i.e., hidden orders. Cross trade message (type=='Q') "indicate that Nasdaq has completed its cross process for a specific security". Neither trade type affects the state of the (visible) order book, but both should be included in volume calculations.

Field Type Description Required? Default
date Date The file date (YYYY-MM-DD). βœ“
sec Int The number of seconds since midnight. βœ“
nano Int The number of nanoseconds since the most recent second. βœ“
type Char The type of trade: hidden (P) or cross (Q). βœ“
ticker String The stock ticker associated with the trade. βœ“
refno Int A day-unique reference number associated with an original limit order. Hidden trades only. Missing
matchno Int A day-unique reference number associated with the trade or cross. βœ“
side Char The type of non-display order matched (B of S). Hidden trades only. Missing
price Int The price of the cross. Cross trades only. Missing
shares Int The number of shares traded. βœ“
cross Int The cross type: opening (O), close (C), halted (H) or intrday (I). βœ“

Data Version Support

TotalViewITCH.jl supports versions 4.1 and 5.0 of the TotalView-ITCH file specificiation. The parser processes all message types required to reconstruct limit order books as well as several types that do not impact the order book.

Message Type Symbol Supported? Notes
Timestamp T 4.1 Message type only exists for v4.1.
System S βœ“
Market Participant L
Trade Action H βœ“
Stock Directory R
Add A βœ“
Add w/ MPID F βœ“
Execute E βœ“
Execute w/ Price C βœ“
Cancel X βœ“
Delete D βœ“
Replace U βœ“
Cross Trade Q βœ“ Ignored by order book updates.
Trade P βœ“ Ignored by order book updates.
Broken Trade B Ignored by order book updates.
NOII I βœ“

Planned Work

We plan to process and record the following additional message types:

  • stock related messages (e.g., financial status and market category),
  • stock trading action codes (e.g., trading halts for individual stocks),
  • Reg SHO codes,
  • market participant position codes,
  • execution codes

[!WARNING] Note that the format of the database is not stable and will likely change in the near future.

Not Planned

There are no plans to support the following message categories:

  • broken trade messages (4.6.3)
  • retail price improvement indicator (RPII) messages (4.8),
  • market-wide circuit breaker messages (4.2.5)
  • IPO quoting period updates (4.2.6),
  • Limit up/down (LULD) aution collar messages (4.2.7),
  • Operational halt messages (4.2.8),


This package is intended to be a community resource for researchers working with TotalViewITCH. If you find a bug, have a suggestion or otherwise wish to contribute to the package, please feel free to create an issue.