

JAX tutorial

The tutorial notebook can be opened and run interactively on Google Colab from the badge above. The corresponding notebook with solutions to the exercises can also be run on Google Colab from this link. Alternatively follow the instructions below to set up a local Python environment to run the notebook from.

Installation Instructions


  • A UNIX-Compliant distribution
  • A conda-based package manager
  • (Optional) for GPU support: CUDA driver libraries >= 11.6.

Jax Installation (CPU)

To use a CPU-only powered jax, create a conda virtual environment containing python and jax:

conda create -n jax-tutorial python=3.9 && conda activate jax-tutorial
conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy jax flax numpyro

Jax Installation (GPU)

In all cases, you will need to install a GPU-able version of jax.

# Installs the wheel compatible with CUDA 11 and cuDNN 8.2 or newer.
# Note: wheels only available on linux.
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html

A fully-functionning version of jax (i.e which includes working working (sparse) linear algebra and deep network primitives) on GPU requires cudatoolkit libraries, cudnn, as well as nvcc (a CUDA compiler). In most cases, these libraries should already be present in your system. Alas for research staff working on compute clusters with only user privileges, they often reside in a non-standard locations.

If CUDA-related utilities are available in standard locations

You should be all set. Congrats for living such a luxurious life.

If using properly configured modulefiles (case of the Sainsbury Wellcome Center Compute Cluster).

Some compute environments (like the SWC compute cluster) use modulefiles to integrate specific libraries and executables with your current shell session, removing the need for environment variables plumbing when the said libraries/executables are present in non-standard locations.

If you're a SWC staff researcher working on the SWC compute cluster, you can load the cuda/11.6 modulefile by executing:

module load cuda/11.6

and voila.

If CUDA-related utilities are available in a non-standard locations

If none of the two cases above apply, for instance in the case of user (conda) installed CUDA-libraries, or incomplete module files, you will need to point to jax yourself the place where such libraries can be found. To do so, locate the root directory containing the cuda utilities, say, /path/to/cuda, and run:

export XLA_FLAGS=--xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir=/path/to/cuda/dir;
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/cuda/dir/lib64;  # YMMV: might be lib and not lib64

Testing your installation

To test that your jax environment is properly setup, a convenience script is provided as part of this tutorial. From the root directory of this repository run:

python -m pip install ./jax-utils
# if on CPU:
python -m jax_utils.test_jax_installation
# if on GPU:
python -m jax_utils.test_jax_installation --gpu

This script will test a subset of jax features relying on different libraries and will loudly error out if some piece of software is missing.

Installing jupyter-related utilities

To execute jupyter notebooks that will use the previously setup jax-tutorial environment as the execution environment, either install jupyterlab directly in this environment:

conda install jupyterlab

or install ipykernel and register your kernel to your external jupyterlab installation:

conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --prefix=path/to/miniforge/installation/envs/<jupyterlab-installation-env-name> --name="jax-tutorial";
conda deactivate && conda activate <jupyterlab-installation-env-name>

If you're using a GPU-powered jax, jupyterlab, and you're feeling fancy, install the jupyterlab extension jupyterlab_nvdashboard, which will dynamically display valuable metrics such as GPU memory usage or GPU volatle utilisation:

pip install jupyterlab_nvdashboard

At this point, you should bee all set. To execute the notebooks tutorial.ipynb, simply make sure you are in the root directory of this tutuorial's repository, and execute:

jupyter lab