
A simple wrapper to handle the new AppOpenAds

APACHE-2.0 License



AppOpenAdManager is just a simple wrapper to handle the new AppOpenAd Format by Google AdMob. If you look at the tutorial, you'll see the detailed guide to create a Helper Class to manage AppOpenAd.



implementation 'com.lazygeniouz:aoa_manager:$latest_version'


val configs = Configs(InitialDelay.NONE, adUnitId, adRequest, showInActivity)
val adManager = AppOpenAdManager.get(application, configs)
adManager.setAdTransition(R.anim.enterAnim, R.anim.exitAnim)

The arguments for the static method get are:

  • @NonNull application: Application Your class extending

  • @NonNull configs: Configs (Optional) You can pass a Configs object which is a data class to pass relevant options. Relevant options are:

    • @NonNull initialDelay: InitialDelay You can specify an Initial Delay to load & display the Ad for the first time. If you do not need a delay, simple pass InitialDelay.NONE But it is a good practise to allow the user to first explore the App & therefore 1 Day should be fine which is also the Default if you pass InitialDelay()

    • adUnitId: String Your adUnitId (Optional for Testing) Default is a Test AdUnitId

    • adRequest: AdRequest (Optional) If you have a customised AdRequest

    • showOnColdStart: Boolean (Optional) Show Ad as soon as it load on the first Cold start if true, this will ignore the Activities passed in the [showInActivities]

    • showOnCondition: (() -> Boolean) (Optional) Show the AppOpenAd only when a specific condition is met. AppOpenAd will be shown only when this block returns true.

    • showInActivities: Class<out Activity> (Optional) If you want to show the Ad only in specific Activities (e.g: SplashActivity). See: this issue & the Example App for more info.

Other available methods:

  • getAppOpenAd: AppOpenAd?: Returns the AppOpenAd instance, can be null.

  • clearAdInstance(): Unit: Sets the AppOpenAd instance to null if it is not.

  • isAdAvailable(): Boolean: Returns true if a valid AppOpenAd is available

  • setImmersiveMode(Boolean): Unit: Sets whether to show the AdOpenAd in immersive mode.

  • showAdWithDelay(Boolean): Unit: Delays showing the AdOpenAd by 1 second if true.

  • showAdWithDelay(Long): Unit: Delays showing the AdOpenAd by the provided time in milliseconds.

  • setAdTransition(Int, Int): Unit: Use an activity animation when the Ad is shown, similar to Activity.overridePendingTransition or Activity.overrideActivityTransition.

  • getAdListener(): AppOpenAdListener?: Returns the currently set Ad Listener, can be null.

  • setAppOpenAdListener(listener: AppOpenAdListener): There are several callbacks with respect to the AppOpenAd.

    • onAdLoaded() = Invoked when the Ad is loaded successfully.
    • onAdFailedToLoad(LoadAdError) = Invoked when the Ad failed to load with supplied LoadAdError.
    • onAdWillShow() = Invoked before the Ad is shown, a default delay of 1000ms or value provided.
    • onAdShown() = Invoked when the Ad is shown
    • onAdDismissed() = Invoked after the Ad is dismissed from the screen
    • onAdShowFailed(AdError) = Invoked when there was an error showing the Ad with supplied AdError
  • setOnPaidEventListener(listener: OnPaidEventListener):

    • onPaidEvent(AdValue) = Called when an ad is estimated to have earned money.
      • AdValue = Contains information about the monetary value earned from an ad.
  • getPaidEventListener(): OnPaidEventListener?: Returns the currently set Ad's PaidEventListener, can be null..