
A simple Android library to cross promote your apps, websites!

APACHE-2.0 License



A simple Android library (currently in early stage) to cross promote your apps, sites! Currently includes a Dialog, Interstitial & a Customizable Native Ad fetched from a json stored on a site/server. The library internals in the dev branch have been refactored to use Coroutines for background tasks & Coil for image processing.

Check out the Sample from Google Play -

Primary Goal: To keep it Simple & including Ads support like AdMob's Ad (Native, Interstitial, Dialog) No!, No Banners!

Add Library to Project

Adding HouseAds in your App -


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.lazygeniouz:houseAds:1.6'



Json Array Schema

Json Array Schema that you'll have to put on a server:


       "app_title": "App Name (Dialog)",
       "app_desc": "Your App's description",
       "app_icon": "https:// URL to Icon",
       "app_header_image": "https:// URL to Header Image",
       "app_uri": "http:// URL or Package Name -",
       "app_rating": "4.5",
       "app_cta_text": "Install",
       "app_price": "Free",
       "app_adType": "dialog"

       "app_interstitial_url": "IMAGE URL",
       "app_uri": "http:// URL or Package Name -",
       "app_adType": "interstitial"
     "app_title": "App Name 3 (Native Ad)",
     "app_desc": "Your App's Description",
     "app_icon": "https:// URL to Icon",
     "app_header_image": "https:// URL to Header Image",
     "app_uri": "http:// URL or Package Name -",
     "app_rating": "4.5",
     "app_cta_text": "Install",
     "app_price": "Free",
     "app_adType": "native"

Some of the Assets like App Title, App Description, Icons & call to Action Text & Package Name are necessary!


HouseAdsDialog is a Beautifully Styled Dialog which shows your Ad Assets like Header Image, App Icon, App Title & Description, Call to Action Button, Star Ratings & Price of the App. The library internally uses Palette API to color the CTA Button by fetching the Dominant Color from Icon or Header Bitmap, whichever available.

Following is an example of HouseAdsDialog -

HouseAdsDialog houseAds = new HouseAdsDialog(MainActivity.this, adUrl);  //Context & URL to Json File.
houseAds.hideIfAppInstalled(true); //An App's Ad won't be shown if it is Installed on the Device.
houseAds.setCardCorners(100); // Set CardView's corner radius.
houseAds.setCtaCorner(100); //Set CTA Button's background radius.
houseAds.setForceLoadFresh(false); //Fetch Json everytime loadAds() is called, true by default, if set to false, Json File's Response is kept untill App is closed! 
houseAds.showHeaderIfAvailable(false); //Show Header Image if available, true by default

You can check if the Ad is loaded via -

//returns true if loaded, false otherwise!

You can also add a Listener to HouseAdsDialog,

houseAds.setAdListener(new AdListener() {
    public void onAdLoadFailed() {}
    public void onAdLoaded() {
        //Show AdDialog as soon as it is loaded.
    public void onAdClosed() {}
    public void onAdShown() {}
    public void onApplicationLeft() {}

NOTE: You cannot Customize the Dialog except for the CardView's Corner Radius & CTA Button's Background Radius! Use HouseAdsNative instead :)


HouseAds also supports Interstitial Ad support just like AdMob has one! HouseAdsInterstitial shows an Image fetched from your Json & navigates the User to Google Play if you specified a Package Name or the Website otherwise.

Following is an example of HouseAdsInterstitial -

final HouseAdsInterstitial interstitial = new HouseAdsInterstitial(MainActivity.this, adUrl);
interstitial.setAdListener(new AdListener() {
    public void onAdLoadFailed() {}
    public void onAdLoaded() {}
    public void onAdClosed() {}
    public void onAdShown() {}
    public void onApplicationLeft() {}

Just like the HouseAdsDialog, you can check if the Interstitial is Loaded in the same way - interstitial.isAdLoaded();

And show Interstitial like -;


HouseAdsNative is the type of Ad where you can pass your own views which includes Ad Assets just like AdMob's NativeAdvancedUnified. The setNativeAdView() method in HouseAdsNative accepts two types of object to specify your View containing Ad Assets.

  • HouseAdsNativeAdView Object,
  • View Object containing Ad Assets.


If you use a HouseAdsNativeView, you'll need to pass the ids of the Assets (Icon, Call to Action View, Header Image etc) in a HouseAdsNativeView in their respective setter methods and then set that object to the HouseAdsNative's setNativeView() . Following is an example of HouseAdsNativeView -

final Relativelayout adLayout = findViewById(; //Ad Assets inside a ViewGroup
HouseAdsNativeView nativeView = new HouseAdsNativeView();
nativeView.setTitleView((TextView) findViewById(;
nativeView.setDescriptionView((TextView) findViewById(;
nativeView.setIconView((ImageView) findViewById(;
nativeView.setHeaderImageView((ImageView) findViewById(;
nativeView.setPriceView((TextView) findViewById(;
nativeView.setRatingsView((RatingBar) findViewById(;

Passing a View object in HouseAdsNative

You can also pass a View in the setNativeAdView(), however there are some rules you'll need to follow! You'll need to use the same IDs for your Ad Assets mentioned below -

Loading HouseAdsNative

HouseAdsNative houseAdsNative = new HouseAdsNative(NativeAdActivity.this, adUrl);
houseAdsNative.setNativeAdView(nativeView); //HouseAdsNativeView Object
houseAdsNative.setNativeNativeView(adLayout); //View Object
houseAdsNative.setNativeAdListener(new NativeAdListener() {            
    public void onAdLoaded() {

    public void onAdLoadFailed() {
        Toast.makeText(NativeAdActivity.this, "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Check if NativeAd is loaded - houseAdsNative.isAdLoaded(); Additionally, you can define your own 'Call to Action' Button's action by using a CallToActionListener, for e.g.

houseAdsNative.setCallToActionListener(new NativeAdListener.CallToActionListener() {
            public void onCallToActionClicked(View view) {
                //Do your Stuff!

Note: If you don't implement the CTAListener, default implementation is used which navigates the user to PlayStore or Website depending on the passed argument to the "app_uri" object in json, when clicked.

Support by Starring the Library 😁