
Aids migration from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin 14+

APACHE-2.0 License


Karibu-Migration: Aids migration from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin 14+

A collection of extension functions mimicking Vaadin 8 API but redirecting to Vaadin 14+ API where applicable. This simplifies the process when rewriting Vaadin 8 components/layouts/view to Vaadin 14, since you can continue using the same Vaadin 8 functions and get useful information and warnings. For example, there is setWidthUndefined() function marked as deprecated (since it's no longer in Vaadin 14), redirecting to a setWidth(null) call.

The jar is in Maven Central, so it's easy to add this library to your project.


repositories {
dependencies {



See the tag above for the latest version.

There are two modules available:

  • The karibu-migration-common module is pure Java, doesn't depend on Kotlin and brings in a set of
    compatibility-helping components: GridLayout, HtmlSpan, HorizontalSplitPanel,
    NativeSelect, RadioButtonGroupCompat, SplitLayoutCompat, VerticalSplitPanel, LabelWrapper and others.
  • The karibu-migration-kotlin builds on karibu-migration-common and adds lots
    of useful Kotlin extension methods to Vaadin 14+ components which emulate Vaadin 8 API.
    If you ever wanted to convert your Vaadin 8 project to Kotlin and clean it up,
    it's smart to do that before the migration - you'll gain access to these
    extension methods, and you will not have to convert obsolete crap code.

Migration Documentation

The official Vaadin documentation on migration:

Usually, the upgrade is done one of the following ways:

  • Employing the Multiplatform Runtime which allows
    you to embed Vaadin 8 components into Vaadin 14 components (but not vice versa). The strategy
    is as follows:
  • Adding a secondary Vaadin 14 servlet on classpath, then running Vaadin 8 app alongside
    the new Vaadin 14 app.

In all cases, the application needs to be converted manually, view-by-view, to Vaadin 14.


Vaadin 8 apps and components were styled by adding rules to the global SCSS file, then adding styles to individual components. That is possible with Vaadin 14 as well, but there are very important distinctions:

  • Many of the components styles are now applied via theme variants. For example, the ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_SMALL is now
    applied via addThemeVariants(ComboBoxVariant.Small); adding the ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_SMALL via addClassName() would have no effect.
    • To see available theme variants for particular components, find the component at the Vaadin Components
      page, then go to the "Examples" / "Theme Variants" tab.
  • It's not possible to style component internals via a global CSS because of Web component mechanism called the Shadow DOM. Read more at
    Vaadin official documentation on Style Scopes.
  • Other than that, you can still use the global styles if needed. You can't use SCSS though (well you can but then you have to figure out
    how to compile SCSS yourself - there's no direct support for SCSS in Vaadin 14+ anymore), and you have to apply classes via addClassName()
    instead of addStyleName().

I really urge you to read the Styling and Themes chapter, to familiarize yourself with the new concepts.

Lumo VS Valo

Vaadin 8's Valo theme has been replaced by Vaadin 14's Lumo theme. Theme parametrization is done via CSS Variables rather than the SCSS mechanism. Find more information here:

  • The Lumo documentation lists all variables
  • The Lumo Editor offers a great way to play with the variables and see the outcome in realtime.
  • See Vaadin 8 Sampler for the way how Vaadin 8 components looked like with Valo theme
  • For a complete list of Vaadin 8 components, along with all ValoTheme variants, see the "UITest" project at
    karibu-dsl page.

Component-related replacements

Component and generic

  • HasSize.setWidthUndefined() is replaced by setWidth(null)
  • HasSize.setHeightUndefined() is replaced by setHeight(null)
  • Component.setCaption() is replaced by Component.setLabel() from karibu-tools.
    • Warning: in order for the caption to be visible, the component must be nested in VerticalLayout/HorizontalLayout/FlexLayout.
    • Alternatively, wrap the component in the LabelWrapper component decorator from karibu-migration-common.
    • See more at Vaadin 8->14 Counterparts blogpost
  • Component.getCaption() is replaced by Component.getLabel() from karibu-tools.
  • CssLayout is replaced by a Div
  • Component.setDescription() is replaced by Component.setTooltip() from karibu-tools, which
    sets the tooltip DOM attribute. However this doesn't support tooltips with HTML;
    you can alternatively use vcf-tooltip.
  • Component.getDescription() is replaced by Component.getTooltip() from karibu-tools, which
    reads the tooltip DOM attribute.
  • Styles:
    • setStyleName() replaced by setClassName; addStyleName() replaced by addClassName();
      removeStyleName() replaced by removeClassName()
    • addStyleName(ValoTheme.*) is generally replaced by addThemeVariants(XYZVariant.LUMO_*)
    • IMPORTANT: The styles mechanism has been redesigned completely; read the Styles chapter for more information.
  • Children:
    • removeAllComponents() - replace by removeAll()
    • addComponent() - replace by add()
    • removeComponent() - replace by remove()


It is discouraged to have a custom UI class. If this is necessary, it's better to create a separate utility class and store it into the UI instance via ComponentUtil.setData(UI.getCurrent(), Util.class, util). Alternatively see How to correctly extend a UI.

  • UI.getUiRootPath() - prints the context root with the leading slash, e.g. /Gradle___karibu_helloworld_application_war
    and so it’s perfect for creating navigational links. Replaced with VaadinRequest.getCurrent().getContextPath().
  • UI.setMobileHtml5DndEnabled() - No longer necessary: mobile html 5 Drag'n'drop is enabled automatically on Vaadin 14+.
    Read Drag and drop on mobile devices
    for more info.


  • setItemCaptionGenerator() is replaced by setItemLabelGenerator()
  • use addThemeVariants(ComboBoxVariant.Small) instead of ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_SMALL.
  • Use addThemeVariants(ComboBoxVariant.AlignRight) from karibu-tools instead of ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_ALIGN_RIGHT
  • Use addThemeVariants(ComboBoxVariant.AlignCenter) from karibu-tools instead of ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_ALIGN_CENTER
  • There are no direct replacements for ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_TINY, ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_LARGE, ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_HUGE
  • setEmptySelectionAllowed() - When allowed was set to true, the Vaadin 8 ComboBox used to show an additional item
    representing the null value. This is hard to emulate via DataProvider; the
    easiest replacement is to simply show or hide the clear button. Also see Adding support for null values to Vaadin ComboBox
    for more details.
  • Given that, replace setEmptySelectionCaption() with setPlaceholder().
  • setTextInputAllowed() - no replacement. ComboBox always allows text input. Use Select instead
    if you want to disable text input.
  • scrollToSelectedItem() - no replacement as of today. Please open a feature request at flow-components/issues.

Also take a look at the ComboBox with Vaadin 8 behavior which closely mimics Vaadin 8 ComboBox.

NativeSelect -> Select

  • setItemCaptionGenerator() is replaced by setItemLabelGenerator()

There's also NativeSelect Vaadin 14 component for your convenience, which simply extends Vaadin 14's Select but provides all constructors from Vaadin 8's NativeSelect.


  • setItemCaptionGenerator() is replaced by setItemLabelGenerator()


  • setItemCaptionGenerator() is replaced by setItemLabelGenerator() from karibu-tools
  • RadioButtonGroup is horizontal by default; use addThemeVariants(RadioGroupVariant.LUMO_VERTICAL)
    to lay out buttons horizontally in absence of ValoTheme.OPTIONGROUP_HORIZONTAL.

This project provides the RadioButtonGroupCompat class which introduces a better Vaadin 8 compatibility:

  • setItemDescriptionGenerator()
  • setHtmlContentAllowed()
  • It is vertical by default; also adds setVertical(boolean) utility setter.

Individual RadioButton

It's not possible to have a single RadioButton just as it's not possible with Vaadin 8. See+vote for issue 1952. Workaround is to have a RadioButtonGroup with just one item.



  • isSelectionAllowed() - replace with isSelectionAllowed from karibu-tools. Essentially
    check if the selection model is either SelectionModel.Multi or SelectionModel.Single.
  • Grid.addFooterRowAt(index) - no replacement; the extension function calls either prependFooterRow() or appendFooterRow().
  • Grid.getFooterRowCount() - replace with getFooterRows().size().
  • Grid.getHeaderRowCount() - replace with getHeaderRows().size().
  • Grid.setExpandRatio() - replace with setFlexGrow().


  • Column.setDescriptionGenerator() - no replacement. See issue #2315
  • Column.setExpandRatio() - replace with setFlexGrow()
  • Column.getExpandRatio() - replace with getFlexGrow()
  • Column.setCaption() - replace with setHeader()
  • Column.getCaption() - no replacement, see issue #1496
  • NOTE: Grid.Column now expands by default; if you want to set it to a fixed width
    then you have to call setWidth("50px").setFlexGrow(0).
  • Column.setHidden() - replace with setVisible()
  • Column.isHidden() - replace with isVisible()
  • Column.setHidable() - No replacement as of now; see+vote for issue #1603
  • Column.isHidable() - no replacement as of now


  • The addContextMenuOpenListener() has been replaced by addGridContextMenuOpenedListener().
    WARNING: weird bugs will happen if you try to dynamically populate menu contents from this listener -
    see grid #575. Make sure to use setDynamicContentHandler() instead.


The way how HorizontalLayout and VerticalLayout works has been changed completely. There is no slot mechanism anymore, and the layouting is now based on CSS Flexbox rather than on a Vaadin-specific JavaScript code. You need to relearn how CSS Flexbox works, then rework your layouts to work on top of CSS Flexbox. Docs to read:

API replacements:

  • setExpandRatio(): replace with either expand() (if the expand ratio is 1) or setFlexGrow()
  • addComponentsAndExpand(): replace with addAndExpand()

A compatibility replacement components are coming, as a Vaadin Pro feature (TBA).


Please see the GridLayout class providing Vaadin 8 API. Note that the new GridLayout doesn't use slots and therefore uses different layouting engine. It's merely provided as a best-effort.

Alternatively see the GridLayout from Vaadin Directory - it supports slots (which means positioning of children within allotted cells) but no expand ratios at the moment.


Label is no longer a Div but an actual <label> element. Usually the best approach is to replace label by Div or Span.

  • new Label("", ContentMode.HTML) is replaced by new HtmlSpan() from common
  • Label with ValoTheme.LABEL_H1 is replaced by new H1(); similar for H2/H3/H4/H5/H6.
  • ValoTheme.LABEL_HUGE, ValoTheme.LABEL_LARGE, ValoTheme.LABEL_SMALL, ValoTheme.LABEL_TINY - no replacements.
  • ValoTheme.LABEL_BOLD -> replace with getStyle().set("font-weight", "500")
  • ValoTheme.LABEL_LIGHT -> used to set lighter text color and a font weight of 200, no replacement.
  • ValoTheme.LABEL_COLORED -> sets a blue text color #197de1, no replacement.
  • ValoTheme.LABEL_SUCCESS/LABEL_FAILURE used a green/red text color and a border, no replacement.
  • ValoTheme.LABEL_SPINNER -> use an indeterminate Progress Bar.


Vaadin 8's CustomField sets its width to 100% by default while Vaadin 10+'s CustomField wraps its children by default. Make sure to have your CustomField implement HasSize and call this.setWidthFull().


Not available directly. You can either build your own component out of Vaadin 14 Tabs+Tab (but that's just the tab header area), or try to use:

  • TabSheet from karibu-migration-common (a direct replacement)
  • TabSheet from karibu-dsl (the same thing but in Kotlin with DSL support)
  • paged-tabs Vaadin Directory extension
    • kinda works but the API is not that rich compared to Vaadin 8's TabSheet.

VerticalSplitPanel / HorizontalSplitPanel

Use the VerticalSplitPanel and HorizontalSplitPanel classes extending the Vaadin 14 SplitLayout providing the old Vaadin 8 API. Note that only Unit.PERCENTAGE is supported - trying to use Unit.PX will fail with an exception.


Sorry, no replacement at the moment. TBD


Replace with MultiSelectListBox. There is also a ListSelect component provided by karibu-migration-common which mimics Vaadin 8 version.

  • setItemCaptionGenerator() - implemented in ListSelect; replaced by setRenderer(new TextRenderer<>(itemLabelGenerator));. See+vote on issue #2601.
    Also replaced by Karibu-Tools's ListBoxBase.setItemLabelGenerator().


  • ClassResource - replace with StreamResource
  • ThemeResource - You have two options:
    • you can store the image into the theme folder; then you can refer to the image from a CSS file as per
      Creating a custom theme/Other Assets.
      You can also refer to the image via new Image("themes/my-theme/img/foo.png", "foo")
      if you store the image to /frontend/themes/my-theme/img/foo.png - Vaadin will copy the static resources
      to your WAR archive, to the /META-INF/VAADIN/webapp/VAADIN/static/themes/my-theme/img/foo.png folder
      and will serve the images from there.
    • Alternatively you can place the images
      into the static resource folder (usually src/main/webapp; the image would then go to src/main/webapp/img/foo.png)
      then refer to the image via new Image("img/foo.png").
      See the Resource cheat sheet
      for more info.
    • Make sure to refer to the images as new Image("img/foo.png") and not new Image("/img/foo.png")
      nor new Image("./img/foo.png") - the first one would not work with a non-empty context root
      while the latter one will stop working for nested routes such as @Route("my/nested/route").

Further ideas

  • Add extension functions for Groovy
  • Add extension functions for Lombok
  • Document all Vaadin 8 components in this README. Please create PRs to create a definitive migration guide here πŸ‘


Licensed under Apache 2.0

Copyright 2021-2022 Martin Vysny

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Contributing / Developing

See Contributing.