
The Vaadin Missing Utilities

APACHE-2.0 License


Karibu-Tools: The Vaadin Missing Utilities

Utility functions missing from Vaadin 14+, for your Kotlin-based projects.

The jar is in Maven Central, so it's easy to add this library to your project.


repositories {
dependencies {

Note: for Vaadin 23+, depend on karibu-tools-23 instead, to bring some additional utilities.

See the tag above for the latest version.

General Vaadin Utilities

A set of general Vaadin utilities applicable to all components.

Obtaining Vaadin version at runtime

  • Retrieve the VaadinVersion.get property to get the Vaadin version such as 14.7.0
  • call VaadinVersion.flow to obtain the Vaadin Flow flow-server.jar version: for example 2.6.7 for Vaadin 14.6.8.


  • Call component.fireEvent() to fire any event on the component (a shortcut to ComponentUtil.fireEvent()).
  • Call ClickNotifier.serverClick() to notify all click listeners (to fire a ClickEvent).

Component hierarchy

  • Call Component.findAncestor() or Component.findAncestorOrSelf() to discover component's
    ancestor which satisfies given predicate.
  • call Component.removeFromParent() to remove the component from its parent.
  • call Component.isNestedIn(potentialAncestor: Component) to discover whether a component
    is nested within given potential ancestor.
  • query Component.isAttached() to see whether this component is currently attached to an UI.
    Already implemented in newer Vaadin.
  • call HasOrderedComponents<*>.insertBefore() to insert a component before given component.
  • query HasComponents.hasChildren to see whether a component has any children.
  • Component.walk() will return an Iterable<Component> which walks the component child tree,
    depth-first: first the component, then its descendants, then its next sibling.

Misc Component

  • get/set component.textAlign to read/write the text-align CSS property
  • get/set component.tooltip to read/write the hovering tooltip (the title CSS property)
  • call Component.addContextMenuListener() to add the right-click context listener to a component.
    Also causes the right-click browser menu not to be shown on this component.
  • query UI.currentViewLocation to return the location of the currently shown view.
  • call div.addClassNames2(" foo bar baz") to add multiple class names. Vote for flow #11709.
    • also div.removeClassNames2() and div.setClassNames2()
  • component.placeholder unifies the various component placeholders, usually shown when there's no value selected.
    Vote for flow #4068.
  • component.caption unifies component captions. Caption is displayed directly on the component (e.g. the Button text),
    while label is displayed next to the component in a layout (e.g. form layout).
  • component.label unifies component labels. Takes advantage of HasLabel in newer Vaadin.
  • Use LabelWrapper if you need to add a label on top of a component which doesn't support labels,
    and you can't nest the component in a FormLayout.
  • component.ariaLabel gets/sets the aria-label attribute. See HasAriaLabel in Vaadin 23+ for more details. Since 0.17.

Misc Element

  • call ClassList.toggle to set or remove given CSS class.
  • call Element.setOrRemoveAttribute to set an attribute to given value, or remove the
    attribute if the value is null.
  • Element.insertBefore() to insert a child element before another child. A counterpart for JavaScript DOM
  • Element.textRecursively2 returns all the text recursively present in the element. Vote for
    flow #3668.
  • Element.getVirtualChildren() Returns all virtual child elements added via Element.appendVirtualChild.
  • StateNode.element returns Element for that StateNode.
  • Element.getChildrenInSlot("prefix") will return all child elements nested in the prefix slot.
  • Element.clearSlot("prefix") will remove all child elements nested in the prefix slot.



  • Call navigateTo<AdminRoute>() or navigateTo(AdminRoute::class) or navigateTo(DocumentRoute::class, 25L).
  • Call navigateTo(String) to navigate anywhere within the app. Supports query parameters as well:
    • "" (empty string) - the root view.
    • foo/bar - navigates to a view
    • foo/25 - navigates to a view with parameters
    • foo/25?token=bar - any view with parameters and query parameters
    • ?token=foo - the root view with query parameters
  • Call navigateTo(getRouteUrl(AdminRoute::class, "lang=en")) to navigate to admin?lang=en.
  • To obtain the route class from AfterNavigationEvent, query event.routeClass
  • To obtain the route class from a Location, call location.getRouteClass()


  • call queryParameters["foo"] to obtain the value of the ?foo=bar query parameter.

  • call queryParameters.getValues("foo") to get all values of the foo query parameter.

  • call the QueryParameters("foo=bar") factory method to parse the query part of the URL to the Vaadin QueryParameters class.

  • RouterLink.target allows you to set AnchorTargetValue, e.g. AnchorTargetValue.BLANK. Since 0.16

  • RouterLink.setOpenInNewTab() opens the router link in new browser tab/window (sets target to AnchorTargetValue.BLANK). Since 0.16

  • Anchor.target_ clears up the Anchor mess by adding yet another property :-D Since 0.16

  • Anchor.setOpenInNewTab() opens the anchor in new browser tab/window (sets target to AnchorTargetValue.BLANK). Since 0.16

Time Zone

In order to properly display LocalDate and LocalDateTime on client's machine, you need to fetch the browser's TimeZone first. You can achieve that simply by calling BrowserTimeZone.fetch(), for example when the Vaadin UI is being initialized. fetch() will request the information from the browser and will store it into the session. Afterwards, simply call BrowserTimeZone.get to get the browser's time zone instantly.

  • Call BrowserTimeZone.currentDateTime to get the current date time at browser's current time zone.

Text selection utils

The following functions are applicable to any field that edits text, e.g. TextField, TextArea, EmailField:

  • Call field.selectAll() to select all text within the field.
  • Call field.selectNone() to select no text
  • Call field.setCursorLocation() to place the cursor at given character
  • Call field.select(range) to select a range within the text.


  • Use dataProvider.fetchAll() to fetch all items provided by this data provider as an eager list. Careful with larger data!
  • Use Person::name.asc/Person::name.desc to create a QuerySortOrder which is useful with DataProvider's Query.sortOrders
    or Grid.sort().


  • Use Grid.refresh() to call DataProvider.refreshAll()
  • Selection:
    • Check Grid.isMultiSelect to see whether a grid is configured as multi-select.
    • Check Grid.isSingleSelect to see whether a grid is configured as single-select.
    • Grid.isSelectionEmpty returns true if there's nothing selected in the grid.
    • Grid.selectionMode allows you to read/write the current selection mode.
    • Grid.isSelectionAllowed returns false if Grid.SelectionMode.NONE is currently set.
  • Multitude overloaded Grid.addColumnFor() which allow you to create a column
    using given converter or renderer to format a value. Allows both for passing in KProperty
    or a property by name. For example, grid.addColumnFor(Person::name) will create a
    sortable column displaying a name of a person, setting the column header to "Name".
  • Grid.getColumnBy(Person::name) retrieves a column created via grid.addColumnFor(Person::name).
  • HeaderRow.getCell(Person::name) retrieves header cell for given column.
  • Similarly, FooterRow.getCell(Person::name) retrieves footer cell for given column.
  • HeaderCell.component/FooterCell.component sets or returns a component set
    to given cell.
  • grid.sort() sorts the grid:
    • grid.sort(nameColumn.asc) sorts ascending by given column;
    • grid.sort(Person::name.asc) sorts ascending by column created via grid.addColumnFor(Person::name)
  • treeGrid.getRootItems() will fetch the root items
  • treeGrid.expandAll() will expand all nodes; may invoke massive data loading.
  • column.header2 returns the header set via the setHeader() function.
  • basicRenderer.valueProvider returns the ValueProvider set to the renderer.
  • ItemClickEvent.isDoubleClick

Keyboard Shortcuts

Make sure you use these imports:

import com.vaadin.flow.component.Key.*


  • button.addClickShortcut(Alt + Ctrl + KEY_C) clicks the button when Alt+Ctrl+C is pressed.
  • button.addFocusShortcut(Alt + Ctrl + KEY_C) focuses the button when Alt+Ctrl+C is pressed.
  • route.addShortcut(Alt + Ctrl + KEY_C) { println("Foo") } will cause Vaadin to run
    given block when Alt+Ctrl+C is pressed. Ideal targets are therefore: routes (for creating a route-wide shortcut), modal dialogs,
    root layouts, UI.
  • textField.onEnter { println("Enter") } is called when ENTER is pressed while the TextField is focused. (since 0.16)

Make sure to read the Safe JavaScript Keyboard shortcuts article before designing shortcuts for your app.


  • Call MenuBar.close() to close the submenu popup. Vote for #5742.
  • Call MenuBar.addIconItem() and SubMenu.addIconItem() to add items with icons.
    Vote for #2688. Since 0.17.


  • icon.iconName provides a type-safe access to setting icons.
  • icon.setIcon(VaadinIcon) adds the missing API of setting icons.

To use custom icons with Vaadin 14+, see Custom Icons With Vaadin 14.


  • getAllDialogs() will return all dialogs attached to the UI. There may be closed dialogs
    since they are cleaned up lately by Vaadin.
  • dialog.center() centers the dialog within the screen. Vote for #220
  • dialog.requestClose() honors listeners registered via addDialogCloseActionListener().


  • button.setPrimary() adds the ButtonVariant.LUMO_PRIMARY theme.


  • notification.getText() returns the text set to the notification. Vote for #2446.
  • notification.addCloseButton() adds a close button, which makes the notification closeable by the user
    (and the duration of 0 starts making sense). Vote for #438.


PageConfigurator is now deprecated, the suggestion is to use BootstrapListener but there are no utility methods to add meta tags etc! Therefore we introduce the following utility methods (see examples below):

  • Element.addMetaTag() (since 0.5) adds a <meta name="foo" content="baz"> element to the html head.
class MyServiceInitListener : VaadinServiceInitListener {
    override fun serviceInit(event: ServiceInitEvent) {
        event.addBootstrapListener {
            it.document.head().addMetaTag("apple-mobile-web-app-capable", "yes")
            it.document.head().addMetaTag("apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style", "black")


  • Upload.isEnabled (since 0.5) allows you to enable or disable the upload component.
    Vote for #2182
  • Upload.clear() (since 0.6) clears the list of uploaded files.
    Present as Upload.clearFileList() in newer Vaadin.


  • AbstractLogin.setErrorMessage(title: String?, message: String?) (since 0.5)
    shows an error message and sets setError(true). Vote for issue #1525


  • setItemLabelGenerator() sets the item label generator. Since 0.6. Implemented in newer Vaadin.


The HtmlSpan component (since 0.6) has an advantage over Vaadin-provided Html - it will accept any HTML snippet and will set it as an innerHTML to a <span> element.


  • Implemented ComboBoxVariant, addThemeVariants() and removeThemeVariants(). Only applicable to Vaadin 14, since
    Vaadin 22+ has built-in support for these functions.
  • ComboBox.isSmall toggles the small theme
  • ComboBox.isHelperAboveField toggles the helper-above-field theme
  • ComboBox.textAlign toggles the align-left/align-center/align-right theme.
  • ComboBox.dropdownWidth sets a custom dropdown popup overlay width to e.g. 100px
    or 30em. See+vote for Issue #2331.
  • ComboBox.prefixComponent sets a custom prefix component. Already available in Vaadin 24+, but handy for Vaadin 23 and lower.


  • DatePicker.prefixComponent sets a custom prefix component. Already available in Vaadin 24+, but handy for Vaadin 23 and lower.


  • Implemented SelectVariant, addThemeVariants() and removeThemeVariants().
    • Already available in Vaadin 23.1+, but handy for Vaadin 14.
  • Select.isSmall toggles the small theme
  • Select.isHelperAboveField toggles the helper-above-field theme
  • Select.textAlign toggles the align-left/align-center/align-right theme.
  • Select.prefixComponent sets a custom prefix component. Already available in Vaadin 24+, but handy for Vaadin 23 and lower.


  • ListBox.setItemLabelGenerator() sets the label generator. Present in newer Vaadin, both in ListBox and MultiSelectListBox.


  • Validator.isValid("foo") will run the validator on given value and will return either true or false,
    depending on whether the value passed or not. (since 0.16)
  • rangeValidatorOf("must be 0 or greater", 0, null) accepts nulls for min/max. (since 0.16)


Since 0.18; depend on karibu-tools-23 to gain access to these utility functions.

  • Use Tab.index to obtain the index of the tab.
  • Tab.owner returns the Tabs owning this tab
  • Tab.ownerTabSheet returns the TabSheet owning this tab.
  • Tab.contents/TabSheet.getComponent() returns the contents component of given tab (TabSheet only)
  • TabSheet.tabCount returns the number of the tabs
  • TabSheet.removeAll() removes all tabs
  • TabSheet.tabs returns a List<Tab> of all tabs
  • TabSheet.getTab() returns Tab for its content component (TabSheet only)
  • TabSheet.findTabContaining() returns Tab which transitively contains given component.

Java: use TabSheetsKt.getTab() etc.


Licensed under Apache 2.0

Copyright 2021-2022 Martin Vysny

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Contributing / Developing

See Contributing.