
This is a simple CRUD module for Laravel. It is a simple module that can be used to create, read, update, and delete records in a database. It will help you implement basic CRUD operations in Laravel with faster speed and better efficiency. Don't waste your time on repetitive basic tasks

MIT License


Laravel CRUD Module

This is a simple CRUD module for Laravel. It is a simple module that can be used to create, read, update, and delete records in a database.

It will help you implement basic CRUD operations in Laravel with faster speed and better efficiency.

Don't waste your time on repetitive basic tasks

It is extensible and customizable to fit your needs


  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete records in a database
  • Easier to implement validation and authorization rules
  • Filtering and Sorting records
  • Customizing listing records
  • Extending functionality using Observers and Events
  • Out-of-the-box API support



You can install the package via composer:

composer require kha333n/crudmodule


Add Crudable trait and implement CrudableInterface in your model. And Implement required crudable methods in your model.

use Kha333n\Crudable\Crudable;

class YourModel extends Model implements CrudableInterface
    use Crudable;
    public function crudable(): array {
        return [

Using via API routes

For most of the usage you can use it via built-in API routes They provide full CRUD operations

API Routes Available:

  • GET /{model} - List all records
  • GET /{model}/{id} - Get single record
  • POST /{model} - Create new record
  • PUT /{model}/{id} - Update record
  • DELETE /{model}/{id} - Delete record
  • DELETE /{model}/{id}/force - Force delete record
  • PATCH /{model}/{id} - Restore record

Example: Using Book model

  • GET /api/book
  • GET /api/book/1
  • POST /api/book
  • PUT /api/book/1
  • DELETE /api/book/1
  • DELETE /api/book/1/force
  • PATCH /api/book/1

Listing Customizations

You can customize listing records by passing query parameters in url

Available query parameters:

  • withTrashed = true OR withTrashed = 1 - Include soft deleted records
  • onlyTrashed = true OR onlyTrashed = 1 - Only show soft deleted records (overrides withTrashed)
  • paginate = true OR paginate = 1 - Paginate records
  • perPage = 10 - Number of records per page

Example: Using Book model

GET /api/book?withTrashed=true&paginate=true&perPage=23

Filtering & Sorting

You can filter and sort records bypassing query parameters in url We are using Spatie Laravel Query Builder for this see Spatie guide for more details

Example: Using Book model

GET /api/book?filter[title]=abc&sort=created_at

Using via Controller

In case you want greater control over CRUD or want customized application flow, you can directly interact with the model repository.

// Create new record
$model = Book::getRepository()->create($request->all());

// Update record

// Delete record

// Get all records
$models = Book::getRepository()->all();
$models = $model->repository()->all();

// force delete record

Adding validation rules

In your model, you can add validation rules for each column.

If not provided, it will use default validation rules based on its cast.

If both are not defined, it will treat it as a string.

Default Rules:

  • string: sometimes|string|max:255
  • integer: sometimes|integer
  • float: sometimes|numeric
  • boolean: sometimes|boolean
  • date: sometimes|date
// in YourModel.php add array

    public array $rules = [
        'column1' => 'required|string|min:3|max:255',
        'column2' => 'required|string',
        '...' => 'required|string',

Adding Authorization rules

In your model, you can add authorization rule for each column

implement CrudableInterface in your model

Implement all required methods in your model and in each method, add your authorization logic

Available method:

  • canViewAny(Model $model)
  • canView(Model $model)
  • canCreate(Model $model)
  • canUpdate(Model $model)
  • canDelete(Model $model)
  • canForceDelete(Model $model)
  • canRestore(Model $model)

In case you require only a few of them. Use CrudableAdapter trait in your model and then only add required ones. All others will be allowed by default.


// Only can create implemented
class Book implements \kha333n\crudmodule\Contracts\CrudableInterface {
    use \kha333n\crudmodule\Traits\CrudableAdapter;
    use \kha333n\crudmodule\Traits\Crudable;
    public function crudable(): array {
        return [
    public function canCreate(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model): bool {
        return auth()->user()->hasRole('Author');

Filtering & Sorting

For filtering and sorting we are using Spatie Laravel Query Builder package.

By default, it will allow all fillable columns for both filtering and sorting

If you want to modify them or add own filtering rules, implement filters OR sorts method in your model

// See spatie query builder package for rules
    public function filters()
        return $this->getFillable();

    public function sorts()
        return $this->getFillable();

Listing Customization

By default all function returns all records in model. But you can customize them by passing CurdConfiguration class to it with custom configuration.

Configurations Available

  • withTrashed = false
  • onlyTrashed = false
  • paginate = false
  • perPage = 10


YourModel::getRepository()->all(new \kha333n\crudmodule\Structures\CrudConfiguration(
    withTrashed: true,
    onlyTrashed: true, // When onlyTrashed is true, it overrides, the withTrashed and only deleted record will show
    paginate: true,
    perPage: 23

Extending Functionality

Functionality of CRUD can be extended by 2 methods

  1. Using Observers
    If you need to add additional data, modify or change data while some operation is on going
    use Observers on your model. Like while creating a book via CRUD you want to add a generated
    book_slug to it. You can use observer for it.
  2. Using Events
    If you need to perform some additional tasks after some operation is done. Like sending an email
    after creating a book. You can use events for it.
    Events available:
    • Created
    • Updated
    • Deleted
    • ForceDeleted
    • Restored

Example: On Book model register event listeners in EventsServiceProvider like this

    protected $listen = [
        'BookCreated' => [
        'BookUpdated' => [
        'BookDeleted' => [
        'BookForceDeleted' => [
        'BookRestored' => [
// BookCreatedListener.php
class BookCreatedListener
    public function handle(object $event)
        // $event will contain the model instance on which operation performed
        // Perform your task here


MIT License. Please see the License File for more information.


Please see for details.

About kha333n

kha333n is a web developer and open-source contributor.