
Add Livewire reCAPTCHA form validation to your components.


Livewire ReCAPTCHA v3/v2/v2-invisible

This package provides a custom Livewire directive to protect your Livewire functions with a Google reCAPTCHA (v2 + v2 invisible + v3) check.


composer require dutchcodingcompany/livewire-recaptcha


Read on how to create your own key pair for the specific ReCaptcha version you are going to implement.

This package supports the following versions. Note that each version requires a different sitekey/secretkey pair:

Version Docs Notes
v3 (recommended) V3 Docs
v2 V2 Docs
v2 invisible V2 Docs Use 'size' => 'invisible'

Your options should reside in the config/services.php file:

    // V3 config:
    'google' => [
        'recaptcha' => [
            'site_key' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY'),
            'secret_key' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY'),
            'version' => 'v3',
            'score' => 0.5, // An integer between 0 and 1, that indicates the minimum score to pass the Captcha challenge.

    // V2 config:
    'google' => [
        'recaptcha' => [
            'site_key' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY'),
            'secret_key' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY'),
            'version' => 'v2',
            'size' => 'normal', // 'normal', 'compact' or 'invisible'.
            'theme' => 'light', // 'light' or 'dark'.


In your Livewire component, at your form submission method, add the #[ValidatesRecaptcha] attribute:

use Livewire\Component;

class SomeComponent extends Component 
    use DutchCodingCompany\LivewireRecaptcha\ValidatesRecaptcha;
    // (optional) Set a response property on your component.
    // If not given, the `gRecaptchaResponse` property is dynamically assigned.
    public string $gRecaptchaResponse;
    public function save(): mixed
        // Your logic here will only be called if the captcha passes...

For fine-grained control, you can pass a custom secret key and minimum score (applies only to V3) using:

#[ValidatesRecaptcha(secretKey: 'mysecretkey', score: 0.9)]


On the view side, you have to include the Blade directive @livewireRecaptcha. This adds two scripts to the page, one for the reCAPTCHA script and one for the custom Livewire directive to hook into the form submission.

Preferrably these scripts are only added to the page that has the Captcha-protected form (alternatively, you can add the @livewireRecaptcha directive on a higher level, lets say your layout).

Secondly, add the new directive wire:recaptcha to the form element that you want to protect.

<!-- some-livewire-component.blade.php -->

<!-- (optional) Add error handling -->
<div class="alert alert-danger">{{ $errors->first('gRecaptchaResponse') }}</div>

<!-- Add the `wire:recaptcha` Livewire directive -->
<form wire:submit="save" wire:recaptcha>
    <!-- The rest of your form -->
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

<!-- Add the `@livewireRecaptcha` Blade directive -->

You can override any of the configuration values using:

    version: 'v2',
    siteKey: 'abcd_efgh-hijk_LMNOP',
    theme: 'dark',
    size: 'compact',

Finishing up

The Google ReCAPTCHA validation will automatically occur before the actual form is submitted. Before the save() method is executed, a serverside request will be sent to Google to verify the Captcha challenge. Once the reCAPTCHA response has been successful, your actual Livewire component method will be executed.

Error handling

When an error occurs with the Captcha validation, a ValidationException is thrown for the key gRecaptchaResponse. There is a translatable error message available under 'livewire-recaptcha::recaptcha.invalid_response'.