
Laravel library for visualCaptcha using jQuery. VisualCaptcha is created by EmotionLoop

MIT License


visualCaptcha Laravel jQuery

A visual and cleaner alternative to the traditional text based Captcha

This is a Laravel version using jQuery of the Captcha alternative from VisualCaptcha is the easiest to implement secure Captcha with images instead of text (and mobile-friendly).

  • A better alternative to text based Captchas.
  • Decrease user frustration and improve conversion rates.
  • Server side validation.
  • Easy to style and add custom images.
  • Easily translated text.
  • Can be used in Views and Controllers.


  • Laravel
  • PHP 5.3

Installation Back-End

  • Begin by installing this package through Composer.
    "require": {
		"hugocabral/visualcaptcha-laravel-jquery": "~1.0"
  • Add these lines top the "app.php" file in the config folder where is the "aliases" category :
	// app.php
	'Captcha'          => 'visualCaptcha\Captcha',
	'SessionCaptcha'   => 'visualCaptcha\SessionCaptcha',
  • Update composer in terminal:
	composer update



Note: This implementation uses Localization from Laravel (Languages). No need to freak out. Its easy to use and you can check the explanation in this readme under Localization.

Add routes:
// routes.php

		// Check Locale selected and show demo view. If your app will be English only, you can remove: $lang = Config::get('app.locale'); and remove: ,compact('lang').
		Route::get('/', array('as' => 'demo', function()
		    $lang = Config::get('app.locale');
		    return View::make('demo', compact('lang'));
		// Send method to validate captcha
		// Routes for app.visualcaptcha.js. 
		Route::group(array('prefix' => 'captcha'), function()
		    Route::get('start/{howmany}', array('as' => 'captcha/start', 'uses'=>'CaptchaController@start'));
		    Route::get('audio/{type?}', array('as' => 'captcha/audio', 'uses'=>'CaptchaController@audio'));
		    Route::get('image/{index?}', array('as' => 'captcha/image', 'uses'=>'CaptchaController@image'));
Create CaptchaController.php to create captcha, refresh, validade and do action (ex send email, update database)
// app/controllers/CaptchaController.php

		class CaptchaController extends BaseController {
		     * Generate a Captcha
		     * @return Response
		    public function start($howmany)
		        $session = new SessionCaptcha();
		        $captcha = new Captcha($session);
		        return Response::json($captcha->getFrontEndData());
		     * Get an audio file
		     * @param  string $type Song type (mp3/ogg)
		     * @return File
		    public function audio($type = 'mp3')
		        $session = new SessionCaptcha();
		        $captcha = new Captcha($session);

		        return $captcha->streamAudio(array(), $type);
		     * Get an image file
		     * @param  string $index Image index
		     * @return File
		    public function image($index)
		        $session = new SessionCaptcha();
		        $captcha = new Captcha($session);

		        return $captcha->streamImage(array(), $index, 0 );
		     * Check if the Captcha result is good
		     * @return Mixed
		    public function send()
		        $data = Input::all();
		        //Validation rules
		        $rules = array(
		            'name' => 'required'
		        //Validate data
		        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules);
		        //If everything is correct than run passes.
		        if ($validator->passes())
		            $session = new SessionCaptcha();
		            $captcha = new Captcha($session);
		            $frontendData = $captcha->getFrontendData();
		            if (!$frontendData)
		                return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(array('message' => Lang::get('text.captcha.none')));
		            } else
		                // If an image field name was submitted, try to validate it
		                if ($imageAnswer = Input::get($frontendData['imageFieldName']))
		                    if ($captcha->validateImage($imageAnswer))
		                        // Return true if the result is correct
		                        (... DO ACTION HERE, ex send email, update db...)
		                        // This return back to form to show sucess, thats why i use status=1 
		                        return Redirect::back()->with('status', 1);
		                    } else
		                        return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(array('message' => Lang::get('text.captcha.image')));
		                } else if ($audioAnswer = Input::get($frontendData['audioFieldName']))
		                    if ($captcha->validateAudio($audioAnswer))
		                        // Return true if the result is correct
		                        (... DO ACTION HERE, ex send email, update db...)
		                         // This return back to form to show sucess, thats why i use status=1 
		                        return Redirect::back()->with('status', 1);
		                    } else
		                        return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(array('message' => Lang::get('')));
		                } else
		                    return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(array('message' => Lang::get('text.captcha.incomplete')));
		        } else
		            //return "contact form with errors";
		            return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->with('status', 2);;

Note: The Lang::get('') code is the implementation of Localization (Languages). If your app will be English only, you can hardcore and replace this with your messages/errors.

Include jQuery library, jQuery visualCaptcha front-end library and app.js in you view or main layout or wherever you will be using visualCaptcha
// contact.blade.php
{{ HTML::script(js/jquery.min.js) }}
{{ HTML::script(js/visualcaptcha.jquery.js) }}
{{ HTML::script(js/app.js') }}) }}

README INCOMPLETE / will finish soon