
Create Best Blog and Admin Panel with Laravel using Bootstrap template for Blog and Admin LTE for admin panel


Blog Admin and User Panel

Blog Admin and User Panel using Laravel Framework. Creating Blog Admin using Admin LTE panel and Blog User side using Blog bootstrap template


Blog Admin Panel:

  1. Multi Login System.
  2. Role Based Access Level Login
    • Author Role
  • Editor Role
  • Publisher Role
  1. Post according to user only.
  2. CRUD
    • Blog Post - List/Show/Add/Edit/Delete posts.
  • Category - List/Show/Add/Edit/Delete categories.
  • Tag - List/Show/Add/Edit/Delete tags.
  1. Dashboard to show how many users are there and how many blogs are created using particular user.
  2. Image CRUD - List/Show/Add/Edit/Delete images
  3. CK-Editor for fast writing
  4. User login and logout history system.
  5. Pagination feature is available on Products list.

Blog User Panel:

  1. Create every post on page.
  2. Category and tag lists.
  3. Facebook comment section.
  4. Provide archives, Tag clouds .
  5. Searching blog.
  6. Social sharing like Twitter post & facebook

MYSQL dump of the database named blog.sql is provided.


XAMPP (start MySQL, Apache service)
Php laravel (Laravel Framework 5.4, PHP version 7.2)
Text editor (Visual Studio Code)

Getting Started

Step 1: Download and add the folder inside C:\xampp\htdocs

Step 2: Open phpmyadmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php , create database blog and import database dump file blog.sql into it.

Step 3: Go to command prompt

c:\xampp\htdocs\blog>php artisan serve Visit to see the application in action.

Note: If you cannot see images (attachments) on webpage , then remove folder storage from app\public and then again link it using command as follows: php artisan storage:link

Blog Home page with all the posts

Blog User Login

User's home page after User Login

Blog Admin Login

Admin's home page after Admin Login

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