
Run Linux commands as a non-root user, creating a non-root user if necessary.

MIT License



Run Linux commands as a non-root user, creating a non-root user if necessary.

This allows us to

run Docker containers with a non-root user by default

without having to specify a USER with hardcoded UIDs and GIDs in our Dockerfiles.

  run-non-root [options] [--] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]

Run Linux commands as a non-root user, creating a non-root user if necessary.

  -c, --chown             Colon-separated list of files and directories to run
                          "chown USERNAME:GID" on before executing the
                          command; you can use this option multiple times
                          instead of using a colon-separated list; run-non-root
                          ignores this option if you are already running as a
                          non-root user; unlike -p this option is non-recursive.
  -d, --debug            Output debug information; using --quiet does not
                          silence debug output. Double up (-dd) for more output.
  -f, --group GROUP_NAME  The group name to use when executing the command; the
                          default group name is USERNAME or nonroot; this
                          option is ignored if we are already running as a
                          non-root user or if the GID already exists; this
                          option overrides the RUN_NON_ROOT_GROUP environment
  -g, --gid GID           The group ID to use when executing the command; the
                          default GID is UID or a new ID determined by
                          groupadd; this option is ignored if we are already
                          running as a non-root user; this option overrides the
                          RUN_NON_ROOT_GID environment variable.
  -h, --help              Output this help message and exit.
  -i, --init              Run an init (the tini command) that forwards signals
                          and reaps processes; this matches the docker run
                          option --init.
  -p, --path              Colon-separated list of directories to run
                          "chown -R USERNAME:GID" on before executing the
                          command; you can use this option multiple times
                          instead of using a colon-separated list; if a
                          directory does not exist, run-non-root attempts to
                          create it; run-non-root ignores this option if you
                          are already running as a non-root user; unlike -c
                          this option is recursive.
  -q, --quiet             Do not output "Running ( COMMAND ) as USER_INFO ..."
                          or warnings; this option does not silence --debug
  -t, --user USERNAME     The username to use when executing the command; the
                          default is nonroot; this option is ignored if we are
                          already running as a non-root user or if the UID
                          already exists; this option overrides the
                          RUN_NON_ROOT_USER environment variable.
  -u, --uid UID           The user ID to use when executing the command; the
                          default UID is GID or a new ID determined by
                          useraddd; this option is ignored if we are already
                          running as a non-root user; this option overrides the
                          RUN_NON_ROOT_UID environment variable.
  -v, --version           Ouput the version number of run-non-root.

Environment Variables:
  RUN_NON_ROOT_COMMAND    The command to execute if a command is not given; the
                          default is bash; if bash does not exist, the default
                          is sh.
  RUN_NON_ROOT_GID        The group ID to use when executing the command; see
                          the --gid option for more info.
  RUN_NON_ROOT_GROUP      The group name to use when executing the command; see
                          the --group option for more info.
  RUN_NON_ROOT_UID        The user ID to use when executing the command; see
                          the --uid option for more info.
  RUN_NON_ROOT_USER       The username to use when executing the command; see
                          the --user option for more info.

  # Run bash or sh as a non-root user.

  # Run id as a non-root user.
  run-non-root -- id

  # Run id as a non-root user using options and the given user specification.
  run-non-root -f ec2-user -g 1000 -t ec2-user -u 1000 -- id

  # Run id as a non-root user using environment variables
  # and the given user specification.
  export RUN_NON_ROOT_GID=1000
  export RUN_NON_ROOT_GROUP=ec2-user
  export RUN_NON_ROOT_UID=1000
  export RUN_NON_ROOT_USER=ec2-user
  run-non-root -- id


Use the following commands to install or upgrade run-non-root:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/run-non-root
# curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/run-non-root
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/run-non-root

Docker and run-non-root

For more information about using run-non-root with Docker, see docker-run-non-root.

Thank you, su-exec

We use su-exec to execute commands so that the command given to run-non-root does not run as a child of run-non-root; the command replaces run-non-root.

Consider the following examples using the command:

$ docker run -it --rm creemama/run-non-root:latest --quiet -- ps aux

If we changed run-non-root to use su, the output would be:

    1 root      0:00 {run-non-root} /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/run-non-root --quiet -- ps aux
   17 root      0:00 su -c ps aux nonroot
   18 nonroot   0:00 ps aux

If we changed run-non-root to use exec su, the output would be:

    1 root      0:00 su -c ps aux nonroot
   17 nonroot   0:00 ps aux

If we use exec su-exec (the current way run-non-root executes commands), the output is:

    1 nonroot   0:00 ps aux

We use su-exec over gosu since su-exec does more or less exactly the same thing as gosu, but it is only 10 kilobytes instead of 1.8 megabytes; in fact, gosu recommends using su-exec over itself in its installation instructions for Alpine Linux.


Use the --init option to use tini with run-non-root. tini handles zombie reaping and signal forwarding.